The book has been digitized. The digitized version has been thoroughly checked.
The masterfiles contain the dictionary entries in a raw format from which other formats (ex. html, epub, database) can be generated.
The masterfiles are UTF-8 text files sandwiched between <pre> and </pre> HTML-markers and preceded by the <meta charset="utf-8"/> HTML-marker.
In Linux format the lines are ended by a 'Line feed' (ASCII x0A). In DOS format the lines are ended by a 'Carriage Return' (ASCII x0D) + 'Line feed' (ASCII x0A).
There are 3388 entries in the BINI DICTIONARY and 82 in the LIST OF ADDENDA. Each entry is one line in the masterfile. The largest line in the masterfiles has 8966 bytes (entry for gbe 1). Some display devices have problems with text files with long lines.
Pages i-xvi.
Pages xvii-xviii.
Pages 1-233.
The digitized dictionary uses UNICODE characters coded in UTF-8. Not all browsers can display the UNICODE characters in the dictionary correctly. In particular the UNICODE characters for the tone markers are incorrectly displayed in most browsers.
The following picture shows the correct display (Firefox browser on Android) for some words (page-049-L):
(click to enlarge)There are apparently no UNICODE characters for the arrows in the dictionary that indicate a shift in tone-level. An arrow starts at one tone-level and ends at another. There are five tone-levels. An arrow then can be represented by a couple (n-m) where n and m are numbers from 1 to 5. In the picture above there is a (2-1) arrow: a shift from the second lowest tone to the lowest tone. The most frequent arrows are (1-5) and (5-1). These are represented by the characters / and \ respectively.