
    of the singular, viz. [ ˥ ] (to
    give me), nuɛ, nwuɛ [ / ] (to give
    you), and [ \ ] (to give him),
    e.g. in ɔrhi-ɛɽe [ ˩ ˥ ˥ (4-1) ˥ ] he
    gave it me; irhi-ɛɽe nwuɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˥ (4-1) / ]
    I gave it you; irhi-ɛɽe [ ˩ ˩ ˩ / \ ]
    I am giving it him; (2) also ex-
    presses that something is done
    for somebody: ɔɽu‿ɛe [ ˩ ˥ / (4-1) ]
    he did it for him; n-ɔʋ̃a n-ima
    nwina na ɣiʋo [ ˥ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˥ \ ˩ / ]
    where is the man for whom we
    are working?; cf. [ ˥ ], [ \ ],
    nwuɛ [ / ].
na 2 [ ˥ ] to tell; to narrate (to
    somebody: ma [ / ]); ɣɛna‿ɛ̃ ma
    ʋ̃ɛ-ɣ-iho n-ihɔ̃ [ ˥ ˦ ˩ ˩ ˥ / / ˦ ˩ ] don’t
    tell it me for I don’t want to
    hear (it). n-erhuʋ̃u [ ˥ ˩ ˩ ] to bless
    (somebody: na [ ˥ ]); occasionally
    the blessing is accompanied by
    the speaker taking his exwae [ ˥ ˩ ]
    and blowing over it in the
    direction of the man whom he
    blesses (curses are emphasised
    by touching one’s lips with
    the lips and then spitting);
    ɔn-erhuʋ̃u [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˩ \ ] he blessed
    him. n-inyɛ [ ˥ ˩ ] to gossip;
    to defame; ɣɛɣin-iny-oʋi‿ɛrɛe
    [ ˥ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ ˦ (3-1) ] don’t defame somebody
    else’s son!
na 3 [ ˥ ] in n-ema [ ˥ ˩ ] to tie the
    yam branches to the yam poles
    (ikpɛsi [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] and ɛɣɛ [ ˩ ˥ ]) by
    means of ropes or creepers
    (ikã [ ˥ ˩ ] e.g.) in order to spread
    them out; ɔy-ugbo n-odɛ ya
    n-ema [ ˩ ˥ ˩ \ ˩ / ˥ ˩ ] he went to the
    farm yesterday to (go and) tie
    the yam branches up; cf. inema
    [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ]; v. ha‿ema [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ], vi-ab-
    ema [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ ].
na 4 [ ˥ ] an auxiliary verb used in
    relative clauses when the rela-
    tion is a temporal, causal, or