amuro [àmṹɽò] n.
sympathy, consideration.
efa [èfá] n.
disgrace; embarrassment.
egbebalọmwẹn [èg͡bèbálɔ́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
hot temper; quick temper. (also ibalegbe).
egbedamwẹn [èg͡bèdáɱɛ̃̀] n.
being acutely sensitive to physical or emotional discomfort; being accutely affected by external stimuli, especially those that cause pain.
egbegiengiẹnmwẹn [ègbègỹɛ̃́gỹɛ̃ɱɛ̃̀] n.
being incapable of enduring or accommodating pain.
egbekanmwẹn [èg͡bèkã́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
being easily irritable.
egbemumwẹn [ègbèmúɱɛ̃̀] n.
emiekhue [èmyẽ́xwè] n.
disgrace; shame. (also emwienkhue).
emwindamwẹn [èɱĩ̀dáɱɛ̃̀] n.
tighthandedness; stinginess.
esi2 [èsì] n.
goodness; the right or desirable qualities:
ọmwan esi“a person of goodness”; i.e. a good person
emwin esi“a thing of goodness”: a good thing
ẹnina [ɛ́nĩ́nã́] n.
sensitivity; feeling.
ẹsee [ɛ̀séè] n.
favour; kindness; good turn:
ẹsee Osanobua“God’s kindness”
ezuwunu [ɛ̀zúwúnú] n.
(< ẹzọ-uwuunu) “case of interior of mouth”: grumbling.
faa [fàá] vb.
to disgrace; to embarass.
ifuẹko [ìfwɛ̀kò] n.
(< i-fu-ẹko) “being gentle of belly”: gentleness; calmness.
igbọvo [ìg͡bɔ̀vò] n.
grudge; resentment.
ikebezu [ìkèbèzú] n.
ikhi [ìxì] n.
vengeance; revenge.
ikhiẹgbe [ìxyɛ̀gbè] n.
(< i-khiẹ-ègbé) lamentation; distress.
ikhọẹko [ìxɔ̀ɛkò] n.
(< i-khọọ-ẹko) ― “badness of belly” displeasure; unhappiness.
ikhọrhiọn [ìxɔ̀řyɔ̃̀] n.
(< i-khọọ orhiọn) “badness of soul”: ugliness; unsightliness.
ikhuiwu [ìxwíwù] n.
jealousy; hatred.
ilekhue [ìlèxwè] n.
1. forbearance; consideration (for someone);
2. compassion.
imuegberrioto [ìmw̃ẽ̀gbèriòtɔ̀] n.
(< i-mu-egbe-rriotọ) “bringing body low”: humility; humbleness.
irhiaẹko [ìryàɛkò] n.
“spoiling of belly”: sorrow; unhappiness.
isọkẹn [ìsɔ̀kɛ̃̀] n.
contentment; satisfaction.
isọtẹ [ìsòtɛ̀] n.
defiance; rebellion.
itohan [ìtòhã̀] n.
mercy; compassion.
iwakọn [ìwàkɔ̃̀] n.
(< i-wo-akọn) “being strong of teeth”: greed; avarice.
iyabọ [ìyábɔ] n.
iyenhọ [ìỹẽ̀hɔ̀] n.
(< i-yin-ehọ) “deafness”: disobedience; stubbornness.
izevbudu [ìzèʋùdù] n.
“being hard in the heart”: stubbornness; obstinacy.
izẹtin [ìzɛ̀tĩ̀] n.
defiance; open disobedience:
Emwin izẹtin ne ọ ru ẹre iran gu mu enrẹn khui“His defiant acts are what made them arrest him.”
iziengbe [ìzẏẽ̀g͡bè] n.
patience; endurance.
izohu [ìzòhù] n.
(< izẹ-ohu) “producing anger”, provocation; irritation.
ogiẹ [ògyɛ́] n.
Ọ rhie mwẹn ogiẹ“He takes my laughter; i.e. he makes me laugh.”
ogbigbi [òg͡bígbì] n.
excitement, sensation, commotion: (e.g. a running crowd):
Iran lẹ dee ogbigbi“They are approaching with excitement and commotion.”
oghodan [òɣòdã̀] n.
Ọmwan ẹse oghodan Ozo khin“Ozo is an ungrateful person.”
oghọghọ [òɣòɣɔ̀] n.
joy; happiness.
ohan1 [òhã́] n.
fear; terror:
Ohan mu Ozo gbe“Ozo gets too easily frightened.”
Ibiẹka mu ohan erhẹn“Children fear fire.”
ohioro [óhyóɽò] n.
solitude; loneliness:
Tẹ ohioro mu ọmwan vbe owa negẹdẹẹgbẹ na“One must feel solitary in such a big house”
ohu [òhù] n.
anger; aggravation:
Iran ya ohu mu mwẹn“They caused anger to catch me: They made me angry.”
okhokho-eve [òxóxòevé] n.
a burst of tears:
Ọ sa okhokho-eve“She burst out crying.”
okhokho-ogiẹ [òxóxò-ògyɛ́] n.
a burst of laughter ―
Ọ sa okhokho-ogie“He burst out laughing.”
okhọ [òxɔ̀] n.
1. sternness; severity; (of children) crankiness; irritability:
okhọ ovbokhan naa tua gbe“This child’s crankiness is too severe.”
orhiọnni [òřyɔ̃́nĩ̀] n.
laziness; idleness.
orriara2 [òryàɽà] n.
1. bitterness; sour taste:
orriara ukhunmwun na ma ye khuia vbe unu mwẹn“The bitter taste of this medicine has still not cleared from my mouth: The bitterness of this medicine has still not left my mouth.”
2. sorrow:
Ọ mu iyẹe fi orriara“She plunged her mother into sorrow.”
orrirri2 [òrìrì] n.
tremor; thrill of fear.
osi [òsí] n.
worry; anxiety.
osọnnọ [òsɔ̃̀nɔ̃̀] n.
irritating sight; eyesore; thing that offends the sight.
ovba [óʋà] n.
oyaya [òyàyà] n.
excitement, enthusiasm; warmth:
Ọ sa oyaya mu ẹnrẹn “She received him enthusiastically.”
ọfurre [ɔ̀fúrè] n.
(< ọ ― furre) “coolness”: calmness, tranquility.
ọghọ [ɔ̀ɣɔ̀] n.
respect; deference.
ọkpankpan [ɔ̀k͡pã́k͡pã̀] n.
anger born of frustration:
Ghẹ ya ọkpankpan so mwẹn“Don’t vent your frustration on me.”
ọvo [ɔ̀ʋó] n.
half-heartedness; disinclination. (also in the reduplicated form: ọvọvo):
Ọvọvo o ya ru iwinna na“He did this work half-heartedly.”
ọyẹnmwẹn [ɔ̀ỹɛ̃̀ɱɛ̃̀] n.
joy; merriment.
udinmwẹn [ùdĩ́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
1. being courageous;
2. courage, bravery.
ughanmwẹn2 [ùɣã́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
(< u ― ghan ― mwẹn) arrogance; haughtiness.
ule [úlé] n.
a state of excitement, possibly generated by alchohol or other intoxicants.