aza [ázà] n.
1. store-room in the house;
2. bank.
ebuka [ébúkà] n.
food canteen.
egbaha [ég͡bàhà] n.
the beam placed above a door to support the wall above it in traditional houses.
egbekẹn [èg͡békɛ̃̀] n.
wall (especially of a house).
egbowa [èg͡bówà] n.
the out-house used for toilet facilities:
Egbowa nokhua “the big out-house; i.e. latrine”
egbowa nekherhe“urinary”
egbọn [ég͡bɔ̃̀] n.
a high fence made of ikhinmwin trees, and standing at the entrance of a village (ughe); it serves to ward off evil spirits and bad charms from the village.
egho [èɣó] n.
the over-night rubbish lying in the house before it is swept in the morning.
ekẹ̀n [èkɛ̃̀] n.
soil, mud; 2. wall of a house.
ekpamaku [èk͡pàmákù] n.
1. corrugated iron sheet, used for roofing modern houses, in place of the traditional thatch;
2. enamel plate, dish or bowl used in the household.
ekpẹtẹsi [èk͡pɛ̀tɛ́sì] n.
storey building (also egedege). (cf. Yoruba pẹtẹsi).
esimẹti [èsìmẽ́tì] n.
cement (cf. Engl.).
ewindo [éwĩ́dò] n.
window (cf. Engl.).
ẹgun [ɛ́gũ̀] n.
1. the bathroom in the traditional Edo house;
2. an area in the traditional house for storing foodstuff such as yams and plantains.
ẹghodo [ɛ́ɣòdò] n.
1. courtyard;
2. an unroofed and enclosed courtyard within the traditional Edo house into which rain water flows;
ẹghodo-ẹrriẹ“courtyard in the harem”
ẹghodo-ikun“courtyard in the ikun”
ẹkhu [ɛ̀xù] n.
door; entrance.
ẹrhunrhunmwonwa [ɛ́řṹřṹɱõ̀wá] n.
the roof of a house.
ẹrriẹ [ɛ̀ryɛ́] n.
1. harem;
2. the Oba’s harem in the palace.
ẹwo [ɛ̀wó] n.
ẹyotọ [ɛ̀yòtɔ̀] n.
the foundation of a house.
ibowa [ìbòwà] n.
(< i-bọ-owa) “the act of building a house”: housebuilding.
ihie [ìhyé] n.
1. ceiling;
2. the ridge of the roof of a house.
ikun2 [ìkṹũ̀] n.
the equivalent of the parlour in the Edo traditional house in which the various ancestral shrines are housed. There may be more than one ikun in a house, depending on the affluence of the house-owner. e.g.
ikun ne ughoree“outer ikun”^
ikun ne erriẹ“the harem ikun
; etc.
ikpawẹ [ìk͡pàwɛ̀] n.
floor of house.
ikpokpan [ík͡pókpã̀] n.
a high rack over the hearth, used for storing various cooking ingredients and leftover soup.
iranmẹ [íɽ̃ã́mɛ̃̀] n.
the eaves of a house.
iwowo [íwówó] n.
a shed or shack built of planks, leaves, or any other make-shift material.
iyekowa [ìyékòwá] n.
(< iyeke-owa) “back of the house”; backyard; latrine.
izẹghede [ìzɛ̀ɣèdè] n.
a shack.
odẹrriẹ [òdɛ́ryɛ̀] n.
(< odẹ-ẹrriẹ) the harem; the women’s quarters in a house.
odiyekowa [òdíyekòwá] n.
1. behind the house;
2. a euphemism for toilet facilities.
oduwowa [òdúwówà] n.
the sleeping quarters of a house, usually not accessible to strangers or visitors.
ogba2 [óg͡bà] n.
1. fence:
Ọ ya okpa ematọn gba ogba lẹga owa ọre“He fenced his house around with iron rods.”
2. a fenced yard or plot.
Iran vẹ laọ ogba esuku“They rushed into the (fenced) school compound.”
okhogbo [òxóg͡bó] n.
a shack; a hut made of pitched stakes and roofed with thatched leaves.
okpo2 [òk͡pó] n.
the ridge beam of a roof.
omuyan [òmùyã̀ã́] n.
1. upper layers or levels of things stacked;
2^.^ upper storeys in a building.
onurho [ònṹřò] n.
door-way; entrance.
orrẹ [òrɛ́] n.
òwa [òwá] n.
1. house, dwelling;
2. building.
owebe [òwébè] n.
(< òwa ― ebe)
1. school;
2. a house roofed with thatch.
owekẹn [òwékɛ̃̀] n.
(< òwa ― ekẹn) mud house.
ọgua [ɔ̀gwá] n.
the room which serves as a “parlour” in the traditional Edo house.
ọlẹla [ɔ̀lɛ̀lá] n.
hall-way; passage way.
ugha [ùɣà] n.
1. a special section of the palace (in the form of a quadrangle) where the Ọba is buried and his shrine installed.;
2. room.
ughugha [úɣúɣà] n.
room; bedroom.
ukoni [ùkònì] n.
ukpafẹn [ùk͡pàfɛ̃̀] n.
the floor drain or gutter in the quadrangle of traditional Edo houses.
ulakpa [ùlàk͡pá] n.
red laterite soil considered good for house-building, but not for farming; “ulakpa n’ ogiekẹn” ― a euphemism for “the grave.”