fuẹnfuẹn [fũ̀ɛ̃̀fũ̀ɛ̃̀] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the vb. ye)
1. very weak; almost lifeless e.g. a dying fire;
2. (with hẹwẹ) fast; repeatedly:
Ọ hẹwẹ fuẹnfuẹn ― “He is panting”
gadagbaa [gádágbáá] adj.; adv.
(usually introduced by the verb ye) huge; expansive.
geletee [gélétéé] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the vb. yo, or ye), describes height, very high (also golotoo).
gẹdẹgbẹẹ [gɛ́dɛ́gbɛ́ɛ́] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the vb. ye) describes size: very big, very bulky.
giangiangian [gỹã̀gỹã̀gỹã̀] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the verbs, baa or ye) very bright; brightly-coloured.
gianranran [gỹã̀ɽã̀ɽã̀] adv.; adj.
1. (with the verb tu): describes sound: the cry of a very young infant, especially at birth or during a bath;
2. (with ye): describes size: very tiny and numerous.
gidigidi1 [gìdìgìdì] adj.; adv.
(usually introduced by the verb ye) describes size: big and thick or strong (e.g. of yams; or human legs).
gidigidi2 [gìdìgìdì] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the verb baa) describes flame: blazing hot.
giẹghẹgiẹghẹ [gyɛ̀ɣɛ̀gyɛ̀ɣɛ̀] adj.; adv.
(usually introduced by the verb, ye) describes size: very small; tiny. (of many objects). (also giẹnrẹn or giẹrẹ).
giẹnrẹn [gỹɛ̃̀ɽ̃ɛ̃̀] adj.; adv.
(usually introduced by the verb ye): very small; tiny, (of many objects). (also guẹnrẹnrẹn).
giẹrẹ [gyɛ̀ɽɛ̀] adj.; adv.
cf. giẹnrẹn.
gilọgilọ [gílɔ́gílɔ́] adj.; adv.
(usually introduced by the verb ye) describes appearance: tall and thin. (also fiofio).
giogiogio [gyògyògyò] adj.; adv.
(with the vb. baa) bright red. 2. (with the vb. tọn). very hot.
gogoogo1 [gógóógó] adj.; adv.
(with the verb, so): describes noise: very loud. 2. (with the verb yo): very high.
gokaan [gókã́ã́] adv.; adj
(usually with the verb ye) describes appearance: very tall and clumsy.
golotoo [gólótóó] adv; adj.
(usually with the verb yo or tan) very tall.
gọngọnọngọn [gɔ̃̀gɔ̃̀ɔ̃̀gɔ̃̀] adv; adj.
describes appearance: pointed or angular.
guẹnrẹnrẹn [gwɛ̃̀ɽɛ̃̀ɽɛ̃̀] adj.; adv.
(cf. giẹghẹgiẹghẹ).
gukaan [gùkã̀ã̀] adj.; adv.
(with tota): clumsily, as if collapsing.
gulugulu [gúlúgúlú] adj.; adv.
(usually with dinmwin or ye) very deep; (of eyes): sunken.
gbadaa [gbádáá] adj.; adv.
(with ye) wide and expansive (e.g. field; lake). (also gbalaa; gbalazaa, gbodoo).
gbalaza [g͡bálázá] adj.; adv.
cf. gbadaa.
gbangbanangban [g͡bã́g͡bã́ã́g͡bã́] adj.; adv.
1. (introduced by the verb ye): strong; tight;
2. (used with other verbs): tightly; firmly:
Ọ ya ise kan iran kugbe gbangbanangban ― “He nailed them together firmly.”
gbangbanangban [g͡bã̀g͡bã̀ã̀gbã̀] adj.; adv.
erect; stiff; rigid.:
ọ mudia gbangbanangban: “It stood erect.”
gbankangbankan [g͡bã̀kã̀g͡bã̀kã̀] adj.; adv.
describes shape: big and thick (of several objects).
gbii [g͡bíí] adj.; adv.
(with ye) numerous; very many.
gbodoo [g͡bódóó] adj.; adv.
very wide, broad (also gbodoo [gbòdòò]; gboo).
gbọhun [g͡bɔ́hṹṹ] adj.; adv.
of human beings: to be tall and stout (e.g. an over-grown child).
ghẹghẹghẹ [ɣɛ̀ɣɛ̀ɣɛ̀] adj.; adv.
1. (with ọmaẹn) very old:
ọ khin ọmaẹn ghẹghẹghẹ: “He has become a very old man.”
2. unsteadily; insecurely:
Ọ guọ ghẹghẹghẹ ― “He is shaking insecurely.”
hiihii [hììhìì] adj.; adv.
(occurs with ye or ru) misty; hazy.
kalokalo [kálókáló] adj.; adv.
(used with the verbs sie, bi, or ye)^ describes profound darkness:
Ọ bi kalokalo: “It is extremely black.”
kokooko [kókóókó] adv.; adj.
(used with the verb ye):
1. describes something that is very solid and firm;
2. also describes something that is very dry and crisp.
kuẹi [kwɛi] adv.; adj.
describes something very small; iter.: kuẹikuẹi: very tiny.
kurọọ [kùɽɔ̀ɔ̀] adv.; adj.
(used with the verb ye) dull, lifeless:
Edẹ nẹrẹ ye kurọọ ― “The day today is very dull.”
khuankhuanankhuan [xũã́xũã́ã́xũã́] adj.; adv.
1. very close; firm:
Ọse khuankhuanankhuan ẹre iran khin ― “They are very close friends.”
2. very securely:
Ọ rhie ẹre lẹre khuankhuanankhuan ― “He hid it away very securely.”
laghalagha [làɣàlàɣà] adv.; adj.
describes something that is dangling.
Abọ ọre ne ọ bunrun de rrọọ laghalagha ― “The branch of it that was broken hung in a dangling form.”
likpalikpa [lìk͡pàlìk͡pà] adj.; adv.
describes a rough surface, or a lumpy substance:
Aro ọre ye likpalikpa ― “His face is not smooth.”
lọghọlọghọ [lɔ̀ɣɔ̀lɔ̀ɣɔ̀] adv.; adj.
cf. laghalagha.
luluulu [lúlúúlú] adj.; adv.
cf. lẹlẹẹlẹ.
malomalo [málómáló] adj.; adv.
1. twisted, rumpled.
2. roughly; untidily: in appearance:
Ọ vbuọ ukpọn nii malomalo ― “He folded that cloth roughly.”
mitanmitan [mĩ̀tã̀mĩ̀tã̀] adv.; adj.
lazy; weak; wretched:
Ọ gha họ ukpọn vba mitanmitan ― “She is washing clothes over there in a very lazy manner.”
Oghẹdẹ na ye mitanmitan ― “These plantains are very wretched”
mosemose [mòsèmòsè] adj.; adv.
1. cf. mosee.
2. beautifully.
nẹdẹ [nɛ́dɛ̀] adj.; adv.
in the days past; in the old days.
nẹdẹso [nɛ́dɛsò] adj.; adv.
some time ago.
nẹghẹdia [nɛ́ɣɛ́dya] adj.; adv.
two days ago (third day back from today).
nẹvusẹn [nɛ́vúsɛ̃̀] adj.; adv.
four days ago (fifth day back from today).
nodẹ [nṍdɛ̀] adv.; adj.
nokaro [nṍkàɽò] adv.; adj.
the first.
nukpo [nṹkpò] adv.; adj.
last year:
Ọ rre nukpo ― “He came last year.”
otota [òtótà] adv.; adj.
(< ota ― ota): every evening; evenings:
Rẹn ọ levbare otota ― “She is the one who cooks every evening.”
ọbolokan [ɔ́bòlòkã̀] adj.; adv.
without soup or sauce:
Ẹba ọbolokan ẹre ọ mu nẹẹn re ― “It was eba without soup that she gave him to eat.”
Ọ rri ọre ọbolokan ― “He ate it without soup.”
papaapa [pàpààpà] adj.; adv.
describes something flat and wide:
Ọ ru aro papaapa ― “He has a face that is flat and wide.”
parha [pařa] adv.; adj.
describes an object that’s broad and flat, such as a tray, a human head that’s big and flat at the top:
Ọ ru uhunmwun parha ― “He has a head that’s big and flat.”
pẹrhẹ [pɛ̀řɛ̀] adj.; adv.
describes a flat surface that is also low, such as a stool, or the top of a low tree stump.
piọrhọpiọrhọ [pyɔ̀řɔ̀pyɔ̀řɔ̀] adv.; adj.
describes something that is soft and messy, such as over-ripe or rotten fruit.
pirhipirhi [pìřìpìřì] adv.; adj.
unclear; blurred; confused:
Ehia ye pirhipirhi ― “They all seem confused and indistinct.”
rẹnrẹnrẹn [ɽ̃ɛ̃̀ɽ̃ɛ̃̀ɽ̃ɛ̃̀] adv,; adj.
describes smooth and gentle motion, or appearance.
rhiọọn [řyɔ̃́ɔ̃́] adv.; adj.
indicates extreme state of coldness.
Ọ gbonni rhiọọn ― “It is freezing cold.”
Egbe ẹre ye rhiọọn ― “Her body is very cold.”
sẹsẹsẹ [sɛ̀sɛ̀sɛ̀] adv.; adj.
describes something that is either very clean or very white:
Ewu ẹre fua sẹsẹsẹ: “Her dress was sparkling white.”
siẹnrẹnrẹn1 [sĩɛ̃̀ɽ̃ɛ̃̀ɽ̃ɛ̃̀] adv.; adj.
1. describes clarity of light or flame:
Ọ baa siẹnrẹnrẹn ― “It is shining brightly and clearly.”
; 2. (with ye) describes something very clean and spotless.
siẹnrẹnrẹn2 [sĩɛ̃́ɽ̃ɛ̃́ɽ̃ɛ̃́] adv.; adj.
(of water): clean and pure:
amẹ na hianrẹn siẹnrẹnrẹn ― “This water is extremely clean and clear.”
sikansikan [sìkã̀sìkã̀] adv.; adj.
describes something tough (i.e. to cut or separate) or stringy.
silasila [sìlàsìlà] adv.; adj.
describes something untidy and disorderly. (also silosilo).
sioi [síóí] adv.; adj.
describes something that’s solitary and gracelessly erect:
Ọ mudia vba sioi ― “It stood there, alone and awkward.”
sukusuku [sùkùsùkù] adv.; adj.
unpleasantly twisted, such as a frown or a grimace:
Ọ ru aro sukusuku: “He made a grimace.”
tantanantan [tã̀tã̀ã̀tã̀] adv.; adj.
describes something that is erect; straight and stiff:
Ọ niẹ egbe rua tantanantan ― “He stretched his body out straight and erect.”
tinniẹtinniẹ [tĩ́nyɛ̃́tĩ́nĩɛ̃́] adj.; adv.
(with pl. ref. only) very tiny; minute:
Iran ye tinniẹtinniẹ ― “They are very tiny.”
tuẹin [tw̃ɛ́ĩ́] adv.; adj.
describes something very small (also tueintuein for pl. or iter. ref.)
Ehia ye tuẹintuẹin ― “They are all very tiny.”
tukẹtukẹ [túkɛ́túkɛ́] adv.; adj.
describes very tiny things or a manner of doing things in small bits:
Ọ manọ iran tukẹtukẹ ― “He moulded them in little bits.”
viẹnviẹnrẹnviẹn [vyɛ̃́vyɛ̃́ɽɛ̃́vyɛ̃́] adj.; adv.
describes something extremely small.
vuuun [vṹṹṹ] adv.; adj.
describes something very deep.
vbavbavba [ʋàʋàʋà] adv.; adj.
describes bulging eye-balls: aro vbavbavba.
vbirrivbirri [ʋìrìʋìrì] adj.; adv.
(usually occurs with owiẹ): decribes early dawn:
Owiẹ vbirrivbirri ― “at the crack of dawn.”
wannawanna [w̃ã̀nã̀wã̀nã̀] adj.; adv.
describes anything with a sheen; flashy:
Ọ fi wannawanna ― “It is shining brightly”
Ọ ye wannawanna ― “It is flashy”
wanwanwan [w̃ã̀w̃ã̀w̃ã̀] adj.; adv.
cf. wannawanna.
wẹiwẹi [wɛ́iwɛ́i] adv.; adj.
1. (of a walk): briskly; with agility;
2. describes tiny or under-sized objects.
wọnwọnwọn [w̃ɔ̃̀w̃ɔ̃̀w̃ɔ̃̀] adv.; adj.
describes a greasy look.
yanghananghan [ỹã̀ɣã̀ỹã̀ɣã̀] adj.; adv.
describes something that is disfigured or ragged.
zaghazagha [zàɣàzàɣà] adv.; adj.
describes things that are disorderly and unkempt.