of the Ɔba, otherwise it must be lowered; cf. kuɔ [ / ] (here “to lower”), ɛbɛ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ]. ukpa [ ˥ ˥ ] (artificial) light; lantern; cf. urhukpa [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ]. ukpabɔ [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] a wooden plate used to wash hands before eating fufu; cf. kpe [ ˥ ], abɔ [ ˩ ˥ ]. ukpafɛ̃ [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] hollow in the floor of Bini and Yoruba houses, in the rooms called ikũ [ ˩ \ ], to which the rain falling through an opening in the roof is led, cf. the Roman piscina at the atrium; ukpaf-õgboɽe [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˥ ˥ ] hollow along the inside of the front part of odĩ [ ˥ ˥ ], the compound wall; it goes as far as the gate-part of odĩ is roofed. ukpakɔ̃ [ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] toothpick, chewing- stick; ukpak-ẽka [ ˥ ˥ ˥ ˦ ] “tooth- pick of Eka (Ika) people”: two trees, viz. Lonchocarpus griffo- nianus and Hymenostygia afzelia; cf. kpe [ ˥ ], akɔ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ]; v. edia nukpakɔ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ]. ukpaɽo [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ] a dangerous disease called “black-tongue”, due to bowel complaints (ezɛgizɛgi‿uw- ɛko [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˥ ˥ ˥ ˥ (4-1) ] “diarrhoea of inside of abdomen”); there is a small swelling over the stomach and lack of appetite, pain in the joints, headache, and no stool; in the beginning there is a slight fever. ukpe [ ˥ ˥ ] two trees, used as fire- wood only; ukpe n-exwi [ ˥ ˩ ˥ ˦ ], “black” u., Phialodiscus uni- jugatus; ukpe n-ɔfua [ ˥ ˩ ˥ ˦ ], “white” u., Blighia sapida. ukpenwɛ [ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] visible pulsation of heart; palpitation. ukpɛ [ ˩ ˥ ] (1) tip, point; ukp- aɽ̃aʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] tip of the tongue; ukp-ehɔ [ ˩ ˥ ˦ ] ear-lobe; ukp- |
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