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    reminding a debtor of his debt;
ukɔʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ \ ˩ ] (1) act of planting.
    (2) act of erecting the shrine of
    a god, or of Erha [ ˥ ˥ ] (at the
    “second burial”, on the day
    when the arha [ ˩ ˩ ]-ceremony is
    finished); cf. [ ˥ ].
ukɔ̃ʋ̃ɛ 1 [ ˩ \ ˩ ] being foolish;
    foolishness; cf. kɔ̃ 1 [ ˥ ].
ukɔ̃ʋ̃ɛ 2 [ ˩ \ ˩ ] (1) grazing, of cattle;
    cf. kɔ̃ 2 [ ˥ ]. (2) wandering of a
    doctor in search of practice.
uku [ ˥ ˥ ] a praise-name of the Ɔba;
    cf. Ibo uku [ ˥ ˥ ]+; v. Ɔba [ ˥ ˥ ].
ukuãʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ \ ˩ ] act of injuring one-
    self; ukuãʋ̃-ɛ̃nyɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˦ ˧ ] snake-
    bite; cf. kuã [ / ].
ukugba [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] belt; ukugb-oʋi‿a-
    ɽueɽue [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ˥ ] “belt of small
    pulsing boils”: probably chronic
    inflammation of groin glands,
    e.g. due to syphilis.
ukuoki [ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] (1) a piece of cloth or
    some leaves forming a round
    pad which one puts on the head
    when carrying loads. (2) pad for
    silencing doors.
ukusɛ [ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] calabash rattle mostly
    used by women when dancing,
    by men, e.g. at the ohoɣo [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ],
    ugba [ ˥ ˩ ], and emaba [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ]
ukuʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ \ ˩ ] act of playing; cf.
    ku [ / ], iku [ ˩ ˩ ].
ukwɛbɛ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] “ɛbɛ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ] folder, or,
    lowerer”: title of a chief who
    carries the Ɔba’s ɛbɛ̃ (sword)
    when the Ɔba goes out; he also
    hands the ada [ ˥ ˥ ] (sword) to
    the ɔmada [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] who is going to
    carry it in front of the Ɔba
    (when ɛbɛ̃ is used, ada is left
    behind). So he is in charge of
    both the ceremonial swords.
    Ɛbɛ̃ is raised only in presence