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ɽ̃ɛ [ / ] to know; n-ɔɽ̃ɛ̃-ʋ̃i [ ˥ ˦ (3-1) ] or
    ɔʋ̃-ĩɽ̃ɛ̃ʋ̃i [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˩ ] an intelligent man.
    aiɽ̃ɛ̃ [ / / ‿ ˩ ] lit. “one does not
    know”: perhaps, in case...;
    itama bũa, aiɽ̃ɛ̃ ʋ-u-aɽu‿ɛe
    [ ˩ ˥ / ˩ ‿ \ / ˩ ˩ / ˥ \ ] “I have told you
    all the time (scil. all about the
    consequences), in case you do
    it” (lit. something like: “one
    does not know whether you will
    do it”); cf. iɽ̃ɛ̃ʋ̃i [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ].
ɽ̃ɛ̃hũɽ̃ɛ̃hũ [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] (1) a specific
    adverb describing sawdust, or
    worm-dust; (2) feeble, defeated.
ɽ̃ɛ̃ɽ̃ɛ̃ [ ˩ ˥ ] to tickle; v. so 1 [ ˥ ]
    iguɛ̃guɛ̃ [ ˥ / / ].
ɽ̃ĩ [ / ] a variant of ni [ / ].
ɽ̃iʋ̃ia [ ˩ ˥ ] to supplicate; ɔɽ̃iʋ̃ia ʋ̃ɛ
    n-iɣɛɣigb-ɛe [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ ˧ ˧ ˩ \ ] he begged
    me not to flog him again.
    ɽ̃iʋ̃ia [ ˩ ˥ ] na [ ˥ ] to plead for
    somebody; ɔɽ̃iʋ̃ia [ ˩ ˩ ˥ \ ] he is
    pleading for him.
ɽ̃ɔʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ ˥ ] to marry (used of both
    sexes); iri-od-ɔɣ-erha ʋ̃ɛ n-iyaɽ̃ɔʋ̃-
    ɔ̃dɔ [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ˥ ˦ / ˩ ˥ ˩ ] I am going
    (way of my father’s) to my
    father’s place in order to (go
    and) marry a husband. ɽ̃ɔʋ̃-
    oxuo [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] to mary a woman;
    ɔɽ̃ɔʋ̃-ɔɛ̃ [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ‿ / ] (a) she married
    him; (b) he married her; cf.
    oɽ̃ɔʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ].
ɽ̃uã [ / ] (1) to affect; to befall
    (esp. trouble). (2) to poison; cf.
    eɽ̃uã [ ˩ ˥ ].
ɽ̃uɛỹɽ̃uɛỹɽ̃uɛỹ [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ] or ɽ̃wɛỹ [ ˦ ] very
    small indeed; more so than the
    degree indicated by tinɛ [ ˦ ˦ ]; of
    infants, or of things; used with
    the verb ye [ ˥ ]; v. ɽueɽueɽue
    [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ].
ɽ̃ũɽ̃ã [ ˩ ˥ ] to start, be startled; once,
    suddenly, as result of a fright;
    (but v. gwɔ [ ˥ ] “to tremble”);