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    (Bibl., not of sacrificial cruci-
    fication). (3) to cover (roof)
    with wood (?) and corrugated
    iron; v. ekpamaku [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ ]; cf. Yor.
    kã [ ˩ ].
kaɛ̃ 2 [ / ] (1) to fill, of pipe only,
    v. vɔ̃ [ / ]; kã-ũkoko na [ ˩ ˥ ˩ / ˩ ]
    fill this pipe! (2) to load, of
    gun; kã-(o)sisi na [ / ˥ ˥ ˩ ˥ ]
    load me this gun!
kaɛ̃ 3 [ / ] to touch: ɔy-obɔ kã-ɽ̃ɛ̃
    [ ˩ ˥ ˦ / ˩ ] he (took hand) touched it;
    cf. Yor. kã [ ˩ ].
kaɛ̃ 4 [ / ] in kã‿ũkɔ [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] (a) to be
    a messenger to the Ɔba, col-
    lecting tribute in the country;
    those messengers used to op-
    press the countryside a good
    deal, hence: (b) to annoy some-
    body by giving him (unwanted)
    advice in the form of reproaches;
    to pester; ɣɛɣikã ʋ̃-ũkɔ [ ˥ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ ]
    don’t pester me any more!
kãgũkãgũ [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ] lean; used with
    the verb ye [ ˥ ]; cf. gũkaã [ ˦ ˦ ];
    for other degrees of leanness in
    a descending scale v. gũkaã,
    sĩgɛ̃sĩgɛ̃ [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ]; rhiamarhiama
    [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ]; sigosigo [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ]; simosimo
    [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ].
kaka 1 [ ˩ ˥ ] to dry; to be dry (in-
    trans.) used of leaves e.g., hence
    it is a plural form; cf. ka 2 [ ˥ ].
kaka 2 [ ˩ ˥ ] to be hard; ɛkpede
    n-ɔkakae [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˥ ˩ \ ] a cross-bow
    that is difficult to tend (occurs
    in a proverb).
kãkaãkã 1 [ ˥ ˥ ˥ ] tightly; firmly
    (tied); v. kĩ [ ˥ ].
kãkaãkã 2 [ ˥ ˥ ˥ ] describes a very
    profound darkness; ebiebi so
    kãkaãkã [ ˩ ˥ ˦ (3-1) ˥ ˥ ˥ ] it was very
    dark; amɛ bi kãkaãkã [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ ˦ ˦ ]
    the sky is very dark (lit. “the
    water”, i.e. the sky before a
    rain); v. nununu [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ].