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    thing. eʋ̃i n-abaku ɽu [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ˥ ]
    “things which have been done
    by mistake”: mistake. eʋ̃i n-ale
    [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˥ ] “things that are cooked”:
    cooking (ileʋ̃i [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ] is not pos-
    sible). eʋ̃i n-amɔmɔɛ [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ \ ]
    “things that have been lent”:
    loan (also eʋ-amɔmɔɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˩ \ ])+.
    eʋ̃i n-exwa [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] “the great
    things”: (a) the burial of an
    Ɔba; (b) witches; idiom.: eʋ̃i ʋ̃ɛ
    [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ] “my child” (wife, servant).
    Followed by genitives: eʋ̃i‿ehɔ
    [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˦ ] ear-rings; more used than
    oɽok-ehɔ [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ ]; eʋ̃i‿exue [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˩ ]
    “things of shame”: disgrace;
    v. ɽu [ ˥ ]; eʋ̃-ĩgbĩna [ ˩ \ ˩ ˩ ]
    weapon, lit. “thing of fight”;
    eʋ̃-ĩri [ ˩ ˥ ˦ ] “thing of rope”: an
    animal given to a man to be
    taken care of; or possibly simply
    “domestic animal”; eʋ̃i‿okɔ
    [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˩ ] seed; (okɔ [ ˥ ˩ ] is not used
    alone); eʋ̃i‿orhɔ [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˩ ] harvest;
    eʋ̃i ɽ-ebo [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˦ ] “thing of Euro-
    peans” (?): plate (ɽ is not nasa-
    lized); eʋ̃i‿ũgaʋ̃ɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˥ (4-1) ˩ ] “things
    of service”: bride-wealth;
    “dowry”; eʋ̃i‿ũwawa [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ˩ ˩ ]
    palm-oil chop (v. ɔpɛxɛrhɛ [ ˩ ˩ ˩ ˩ ]).
    In the following cases, the con-
    struction seems to be a short
    relative sentence without the
    particle n-: eʋ̃i fi [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ] “thing
    that attacks”: small-pox; eʋ̃i
    gb-eni [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˦ ], “thing that has
    killed elephant”: toothache (not
    when cutting teeth); eʋ̃i r-akɔ̃
    [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] “thing that is in the
    tooth”: toothache (with children
    when cutting teeth); eʋ̃i r-aɽo
    [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] “thing that is in the eye”:
    yellow fever (?; also eʋ-ir-aɽo?);
    eʋ̃i r-ɔb-ɛʋo [ ˩ ˥ ˦ ˦ ˩ ] “things that
    are in the Ɔba’s country”: an
    age-group consisting of the boys