ha1 [há] vb.
1. to pierce;
2. to penetrate:
Ha uvun ye ebe na“Pierce a hole in this paper.”
Olodẹ ha mwẹn obọ“A needle has pierced my hand.”
ha2 [há] vb.
to start suddenly; to shudder:
Ọ hae vbe ọ bẹghe mwẹn“She started suddenly when she saw me.”
haa1 [hàá] vb.
to frighten; to cause to shudder.
haa2 [hàá] vb.
1. to parcel something;
2. (yams) to tie to stakes.
haako [hàákò] vb.
(< haa-ako) “to parcel a gift”: to send a gift parcel.
hae [hàé] vb.
to pay; to compensate:
Ha ígho ne ọ khare“Pay the amount she specified.”
haan1 [hã̀ã́] vb.
to slope; to slant.
haan2 [hã̀ã́] vb.
(of eating) to cause to choke (from food or liquid going into the windpipe).
Ẹhiẹn haan mwẹn“Pepper has choked me (by getting into my windpipe).”
haan3 [hã̀ã́] vb.
to deck up oneself in good clothes; to be all dressed up.
hanmwan [hã̀ɱã́] vb.
to be pregnant; to be with child.
hannọ [hã̀nɔ̃́] vb.
to select; to pick out; to choose.
hapa [hápà] vb.
to tie a piece of cloth around the waist and between the legs (to protect the sex organs) like underpants. This is often done as extra precaution before a fight.
he1 [hé] vb.
to refuse; to reject; to decline.
he2 [hé] adv.
(occurs in negative sentences): as yet:
I ma he kpaọ“I did not leave as yet; i.e. I have not yet left.”
I i he kpao“^I do not leave as yet; i.e. I will not leave as yet.”
he3 [hé] aux.
indicates that an action was “finally” performed after much reluctance or difficulty:
ọ he kpaọ“He finally left (thank goodness!)”
heu [héù] int.
an exclamation of surprise; regret, or lamentation.
hẹẹ1 [hɛ̀ɛ́] vb.
to pack and take away several things; to gather and remove.
hẹẹ2 [hɛ̀ɛ́] vb.
hẹẹ yo, hẹẹ rreto heave up and down (e.g. of waves); to parade up and down
hẹẹ3 [hɛ́ɛ] adv.
the second part of the interrogative formula for “how” questions:
vbe-hẹẹ?: vbe ọ kha hẹẹ? ― “How did he speak: what did he say?”
vbe ọ ru hee?“How did he behave?”
hẹẹkẹn [hɛ̀ɛ́kɛ̃̀] vb.
(< hẹẹ ― ekẹn) “to pack mud”: to pile up and prepare mud for house-building.
hẹẹ́n [hɛ̃́ɛ̃́] int.
hẹẹ̀n [hɛ̃́ɛ̃̀] int.
hẹko [hɛ̀kó] vb.
cf. fẹko.
hẹnhẹn [hɛ̃̀hɛ̃́] vb.
1. to level up; to make level;
2. to form a sediment in a liquid.
hẹnhontọ [hɛ̃̀hṍtɔ̀] vb.
(< hẹnhẹn ― otọ) to level ground in preparation for erecting a building on it.
hẹnmwẹn [hɛ̃́ɱɛ̃̀] vb.
(< họn ― ẹmwẹn) “to hear word” to be obedient; to be responsive to instruction.
hẹnnẹdẹn [hɛ̃́nɛ̃́dɛ̃́] adv.
safely; wholesomely.
hẹwẹ1 [hɛ̀wɛ́] vb.
(< hẹẹ2 ― ẹwẹẹ)― to breathe:
Ọ gha hẹwẹ fuẹn-fuẹn“He is breathing fast: He is panting”
hẹwẹ2 [hɛ̀wɛ́] vb.
1. to rest; to take a break from something exerting:
Ọ ghi zẹ winna, ọ na yaa hẹwẹ“After working for a while, he went to rest.”
2. to refrain from doing something; to stop doing what one was previously doing:
ọ hẹwẹ nẹẹ, ẹ i ghi viẹ“She has stopped, she is no longer crying.”
(also koẹtin).
hi [hí] vb.
to pledge with one’s maker about the course of one’s life in the next reincarnation.
hia1 [hìá] vb.
1. to make an effort; to try;
2. to struggle against odds;
3. to make appreciable mark in one’s effort:
Ọ hiare vbe edanmwẹn ne iran ruu“He tried in the examination that they did.”
hia2 [hìá] vb.
to scrape off (skin or cover):
Hia ukpakọn na mẹ“Scrape off the skin from this chewing-stick for me.”
hia [hyá] quant.
cf. ehia.
hian [hĩ̀ã́] vb.
to be clear and clean (e.g. of stream-water); to be bright (e.g. of cloth that has been washed clean).
hie1 [hìé] vb.
to blow on a fire to keep it glowing:
Hie ẹrhẹn na ne ọ ghẹ dọyọ“Blow this fire so that it won’t go out”
; 2. to steam, or massage with a hot substance:
Ọ ya amerhẹn hie ẹre uhunmwun“He massaged his head with hot water.”
hie2 [hìé] vb.
1. to put a ceiling on a room;
2. to construct the ridge of a roof.
hie3 [hìé] vb.
to arch; to bend; (also hierre):
Iyeke ẹre ghi hierre ne ihẹ“His back has become bent from the load he has been carrying”
hiehie [hìéhìé] adv.
(occurs in questions or negative sentences only) at all:
Ọ ma hiehie ra?“Is it good at all?”
Ẹo, ẹ i ma hiehie“No, it’s not good at all.”
hiengbe [hyẽ̀gbé] vb.
(< hin ― egbe) “to climb body”: to cover one’s body:
Ọ ya ukpọn hiengbe: “He used cloth to cover his body: He is covering his body with a cloth”
hiẹ [hìɛ́] vb.
to reduce in quantity or intensity: (e.g. of a crowd).
ẹvbo hiẹ nẹ vbe evba“People are now fewer there.”
hiẹrẹ [hiɛ́ɽɛ́] adj.
(usually with ye) quiet and peaceful:
Ehe hia ye hiẹrẹ“Everywhere is peaceful”
higboo [hígbóó] adj.
describes height: very tall and well-built (of human beings) (cf. gbọhuun).
hihiẹ [hìhyɛ́] vb.
to pour; to spill:
hihiẹ amẹ kua vbe akhe nii“Pour out the water from that pot.”
hii [hìí] int.
1. exclamation of shock, regret, or disappointment:
Hii! u ghẹ giẹ de“Oh dear, you shouldn’t have let it drop.”
2. adj.; adv. very quiet; very calm.
hiihii [hììhìì] adj.; adv.
(occurs with ye or ru) misty; hazy.
hiin [hĩ̀ĩ́] vb.
1. to climb:
ọ hiin odukhun“He climbed up.”
2. to swell:
Ehe ne ọ gbekpa yọ ọre hiinrinThe place where he hit him has swollen up
(cf. hinmwian);
3. (of new moon) to rise or appear:
Uki hiinrin node“The new moon appeared yesterday.”
hin [hĩ̀ĩ́] vb.
to ride (e.g. bicycle or horse).
hinmwian [hĩ̀ɱĩã́] vb.
to swell; to be swollen:
Owẹ ne i ya khian hinmwiaẹn“The feet with which I walked are swollen.”
hio [hyó] vb.
to be arrogant; to be proud.
hiọ1 [hìɔ́] vb.
to urinate.
hiọ2 [hìɔ́] vb.
to run a line through something with a knife to open it (e.g. a pod of Kola-nut).
hiọrọ [hyɔ̀ɽɔ́] vb.
1. to crawl along the ground (e.g. a snake’s motion);
2. to drag something on the ground (e.g. something heavy):
Iran gba hiọrọ erhan nii la iba“They both dragged that piece of wood on to the slab.”
hiọnrọn [hyɔ̃̀ɽ̃ɔ̃́] vb.
to breathe.
ho-bẹkun [hòbɛ̀kṹ] vb.
(< hoo1 ― bẹkun) to fail to find; to be irrecoverable; to be lost.
hoaro [hùáɽò] vb.
(< hoo1 ― aro): to be curious; to be forward.
hoẹmwẹn1 [hùɛ́ɱɛ̃̀] vb.
(< hoo1 ― ẹmwẹn)
1. to be quarrelsome;
2. to provoke; to offend:
Iran ọ ho ẹre ẹmwẹn: “They are the ones who provoked him.”
hoẹmwẹn2 [hùɛ́ɱɛ̃̀] vb.
(< hoo1 ― ẹmwẹn) “to want the words”^ to like somebody; to love somebody.
hoho [hòhó] vb.
to blow (e.g. of wind).
hohua [hòhùá] vb.
to come to naught.
hoo1 [hòó] vb.
1. to look for;
2^.^ to want.
hoo2 [hòó] vb.
to have sexual intercourse with.
họ [hɔ́] vb.
to lay (eggs).
họn [hɔ̃́] vb.
1. to hear;
2. to understand.
3. (with ẹmwẹn) to obey; to heed counsel or advice.
họnmwẹn [hɔ̃̀ɱɛ̃́] vb.
to brush oneself or something as a means of purification (e.g. after a breach of taboo):
ọ gbe ẹwe ya honmwengbe“He killed a goat and used it to purify himself.”
họnmwẹngbe [hɔ̃̀ɱẽ̀g͡be] vb.
to perform purification of self. (cf. họnmwẹn).
họọ [hɔ̀ɔ́] vb.
to wash (of clothes).
họọn [hɔ̃̀ɔ̃́] vb.
1. to sprout (of new leaves);
2^.^ to grow (of hair).
hu1 [hú] vb.
1. to foam;
2. (of soap) to form a lot of suds (i.e. to be effective for washing things clean).
hu2 [hú] vb.
to show rapid growth (esp. the young of humans or animals).
hu3 [hú] vb.
(with ekpa) to cause to want to vomit: to cause nausea;
Ewia naa hu mwẹn ekpa“This smell rouses nausea in me; i.e. it makes me want to vomit.”
huan [hũ̀ã́] vb.
1. to be clean; to become clean; to be neat;
2. to be holy (in the Christian sense):
Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn“The Holy Spirit”
hue [hùé] vb.
to swell; to rise; to increase in bulk:
Igari na huere“This garri has increased in bulk.”
huẹ [hùɛ́] vb.
to sulk; to be moody.
huẹhuẹ [hwɛ̀hwɛ́] vb.
to be sickly.
huẹn [hũ̀ɛ̃́] vb.
to rouse somebody (from sleep or state of unconsciousness).
huẹnrẹn [hũɛ̃ɽ̃ɛ̃́] adj.
very narrow and deep (like a long narrow passage, or a bush path).
hughu [hùɣú] vb.
to heave; to move back and forth (of a mass, such as water or a crowd).
Iran na gha hughu yo hughu rre“They were heaving back and forth.”
hun [hũ] vb.
(with the noun ovbe ― “sleep”) to have a desire for (sleep):
Ovbe hun mwẹn“Sleep is with me” ― I am feeling sleepy
hunhunhun [hṹhṹhṹ] adv.
(with the verb gui ― to grumble) describes the indistinct hum of muttering:
Ọ gha gui vba hunhunhun“He is there muttering indistinctly (like a bee).”
hunwan [hũ̀w̃ã́] vb.
to be silent; to stop crying (of a child).
hurọọ [hùrɔ̀ɔ̀] adv.
describes a dull appearance; lifeless and dull.