Ẹdo language and literature: Papers

Agheyisi, Rebecca N. - Verb Serialization and Lexical Re-analysis - The Case of Compount Verbs in Edo, Studies in African Linguistics, Volume 17, Number 3, December 1986
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Agheyisi, R. N. - Minor languages in the Nigerian context - Prospects and problems, WORD Volume 35, Number 3, December 1984
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Agheyisi, Rebecca N. - A tagmemic clause-level analysis of Bini (1968). Masters thesis.
WorldCat.org, MSU LIBRARIES Digital Repositary, download CES
Aigbokhan, E.I.; Omozuwa, V.E.; Osemwegie, B. - EXTRACTS FROM MELZIANS BINI DICTIONARY. PLANT NAMES IN EDO LANGUAGE, Nigerian Journal of Botany 26 (1), June 2013
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Aikhionbare, Matt. Osayaba - Defining the domain of nasality in Edo, Studies in African Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 3, December 1989
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Amayo, Airen - The Structure of Verbal Constructions in Edo (Bini), JWAL X, 1 (1975)
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Baker, Mark C.; Stewart, O.T. - Verb movement, Objects and Serialization
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Beermann, Dorothee; Hellan, Lars; Ogie, Ota - Extraction in Edo
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Elugbe, B. O. - A Comparative Edo Phonology, Phd Thesis (1972)
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Elugbe, B. - The downstepped Low in Edo (Bini) and Ghotuo
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Emọvọn, Joshua A. - A Phonological Study Of Ẹdo (Bini) With Special Reference To The Verbal Phrase, Phd Thesis, 1979, SOAS University of London
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Imasuen, Ekhato Otamere - Languages in Contact. The Case of Edo and Portuguese, Journal of West African Languages XXVII 2, (1998-99)
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www.acadedmia.edu, Uniben
Melzian, Hans - Vergleichende Charakteristik des Verbums im Bini (1942)
Ghent University Library, Royal Library
Obazee, Gabriel O. - A New Edo-English Dictionary, Umẹwaẹn. Journal of Benin and Edo Studies, Vol.1, 2016
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Ogie, Ota - About Multi-verb Constructions in Edo, Proceedings of the workshop on Multi-Verb constructions, Trondheim Summer School 2003
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Ogie, Ota - Edo Personal Names and World View, 2002
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Ogie, Ota - Events and Multi-verb constructions in Edo
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Ogie, Ota - Multi-verb Constructions in Edo. A Typology (2008)
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Ogie, Ota - Multi-Verb Constructions in EDO, Phd Thesis, Trondheim, December 2009
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Ogie, Ota - Using an online tool for the documentation of Edo language, Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL 2010, pages 109–112, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 July 2010
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Omoregbe, Esohe Mercy; Aigbedo, William Ighasere - Agreement Patterns within the Edo NP, European Scientific Journal, March edition vol. 8, No.5, pages 130-148
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Omoregbe, Esohe Mercy; Aigbedo, William Ighasere - A descriptive analysis of nouns in Edo, Apostolate of Language and Linguistics: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Emmanuel Okonkwo Ezeani, 2018, page 94-106.
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Omoregbe, Esohe Mercy - Language Vitality: The Experiences of Edo Community in Nigeria (2005)
Omoregbe, Esohe Mercy - Morpho-Syntactic Strategies for Expressing V-N Collocations in the Edo Simple Clause
The Linguist List
Omoregbe, Esohe M.; Evbuomwan, Osaigbovo O. - The pragmatics of edo praise expressions (2016)
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Omoruyi, Thomas O. - Adjectives and Adjectivalization Processes in Edo, Studies in African Linguistics, Volume 17, Number 3, December 1986
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Omoruyi, Thomas O. - Focus and Question Formation in Edo, Studies in African Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 3, December 1989
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Omoruyi, Thomas O. - On the Formation of Questions in Edo, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, Volume 10, Pages 19-31, 1988
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Omoruyi, Thomas O. - On the Internal Structure of the Word in Edo, Journal of West African Languages XX, 2 (1990)
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Omoruyi, Thomas O. - Pluralization Strategies in Edo, Journal of West African Languages XVI, 2 (1986)
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Omozuwa, Victor E. - Acoustic cues for the perception of tones of disyllabic nouns in Edo (1991)
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Omozuwa, Victor Edosa - Speech tempo, consonant deletion, and tones in Edo nouns, Studies in African Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 3, December 1989, pages 317-337
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Stewart, Osamuyimen Thompson - On the Asymmetry of Serial Verbs in the Edo Language (1994)
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Uchihara, Hiroto - Pronominals in Edo-A descriptive study, 2010
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Usenbo, Perpetual - Yes/No questions in Edo: The markers, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN LINGUISTICS, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, 2017, PAGES: 1-20
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Usuanlele, Uyilawa; Agbontaen, K.A. - A HISTORY OF MODERN LITERARY DEVELOPMENT AMONG THE EDOS 1897-1960, Africa, Anno 55, No. 1 (Marzo 2000), pp. 105-113
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Wescott, Roger W. - Bini Color Terms, Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 12, No. 9 (Dec., 1970), pp. 349-360
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Wescott, Roger W. - Bini Names in Nigeria and Georgia, Linguistics, 1974, Vol. 12, No. 124, pp. 21-32
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Wescott, Roger W. - Linguistics as a Tool in African Studies, Annals New York Academy of Sciences
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Wescott Roger W. - Reviewed Work: English-Edo Wordlist: An Index to Melzian's Bini-English Dictionary by David A. Munro
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Wescott, Roger W. - The Metalinguistics of Bini. A West African Language, Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 6 (Jun., 1960), pp. 19-21
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Wescott, Roger W. - Tonal iconicity in Bini colour terms, African Studies, 1975, Volume:34 (3) , p. 185-192
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Wescott, Roger W. - Tonal Icons in Bini (1973)
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Yuka, Constantine; Omoregbe, Esohe - Tense and Ascpect in Edo, Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria Volume 14 Number 2 2011 (pp. 365-377)
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Yuka, Constantine; Omoregbe, Esohe - The internal structure of the Edo verb, California Linguistic Notes, Volume XXXV, No. 2, Spring 2010
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Yuka, Constantine; Omoregbe, Mercy - Re as a Post-verbal Free Form in Edo. A Morpho-Semantic Re-analysis (2006)
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Last update: 11-03-2021