Imagie, I order.

Imale, I measure ; I don’t know.

Imanọle, I don’t know it.

Ima̯iya̯iyi, I disbelieve.

Imama̯i, I arrange.

Imasaboͅ, I cannot.

Imavale, I do not meet, I miss.

Ime, I have (it).

Imie̽, I guess.

Imíe͉, I take.

Imie͉ze, I have money.

Imigo, I save money.

Imihenaxia, in order to go.

Imina, I dream.

Imio̯i, I find it ; I see it.

Imoha, tribute to king.

Imohu, I am vexed.

Imoͅlosa, I owe money.

Imomo͉gbera̯ize, I ferry across.

Imudia, I stand; I stay; I stop.

Imue, I carry (in one hand).

Imufwa, I throw away.

Imuhi, I put away.

Imúke, I cook.

Imumale, I show.

Imumwege, I show.

Imune, I (take and) give. §218 EDO DICTIONARY.

Imwale, I deny.

Imwe̽, I seize.

Imwexa̯ifẹ, I carry on my hip.

Imwefwa, I throw away; I lose.

Imwegbele, imwegbe, I am ready, I prepare.

Imwegbene͉, I am ready.

Imwekpa, I take away.

Imweniuhumu, I carry on my head.

Imwe͉mobo, I carry in my hands.

Imwewo̲wo͉, I carry on my back.

Imwe͉re, I bring.

Imwe͉velo, idle.

Imwegbina, I make peace between people.

Imwe͉kpa, I put off a cloth.

Imwo̽, I drink.

Ina, they, their, them.

Iná, I get ready.

Inafia̯i, I am ready to cut.

Inaga, I begin.

Inali, I pass.

Iname, eaves.

Inatobina, themselves.

Inaneva, both, they two.

Inasie, I pull.

Inawę̽, they say.

Ina̽wę, I say.

Inaweva, both ; they two.

Inawole, they two.

Iṅbera, over.

Ine͉le, I understand ; I know it.

Ine͉na, I ask.

Ínè͉, I don’t know.

Íne͉, I know.

Íne, I am constipated.

Iné͉, I pass fasces.

Iné͉, four.

Iṅwa, I grow up. Iṅwale, I grow. §EDO DICTIONARY. 219

In̽woͅ, I drink.

I̽nia, vein.

Iniá, hymen.

Inia, I open.

Iniele, I make profits.

Inimiai, I beg.

I̽nii, fashion, custom.

Inirha, root.

Ininye, I deliver a message.

Iniunuyigbe, I am silent.

Inoͅ, fur.

Inoͅ, I ask.

Inoͅlota, I ask a question.

Inoͅle͉mi, I ask for a thing.

Ino̽xwome, how many wives have you ?

Inofiha, prophet.

Inokare, I came first.

Ino̯i, I ask it.

Ino̯inyale, master.

Inóle, I know it.

Inukinuki, how long?

Iṅwe, I catch ; I suckle.

Inwo͉nixi, how much is that ?

Inya͉, I get it.

Inyá, yam.

Inyà, with.

I͉nyá, I knock.

Inyako͉mohu, yam used as “ pillow.”

Inyamie, I forgot.

Inyato͉, roast yam.

Inyebo, potato.

Inyigbe, I strain (in passing fæces).

Inyo͉gmo͉, raw yams.

Ire͉do, I go to Edo.

Irenewekere, I came before you.

Irenewo, I come back.

Irhale, I am a thief. §220 EDO DICTIONARY.

Irhalehi, I detach.

Irhalewowa, I pillage a house.

Irhiale, I spoil.

Irhialua, I destroy; I spoil.

Irhiare, I come.

Irhie, I take ; I carry (in two hands).

Irhie, proper.

Irhiegbotǫ, I put on the ground.

Irhieyotǫ, I take down.

Irhie͉le͉le, I hide.

Irhie͉li, I pick it up.

Irhiele͉fi, I throw.

Irhielele, I hide.

Irhiene, I give ; irhiniyane, I give yams.

Irhiene, I am surprised.

Irhierhoͅ, I put up.

Irhio͉le, irhioi, I wake up (trans.).

Irho, cheek marks.

Irhoͅli, I pick it up.

I̽rhue, I circumcise a boy ; I cut a girl ; I put on cloth.

Irhúe, I light.

I͉rhúe, I bend ; set a trap.

Irhue, I shut.

Irhukmo͉ñ, I put on a cloth.

Irhu̫le, I run.

Irhure͉kua, I throw out water.

Irhurhuele, voice.

Iri, bush rope.

Iria̯igwa, I spend.

Irie, I eat ; irinya, I eat yams.

Irinelimiri, part of Osun ; rope in which Elimi is tied.

Irio͉, I take (several things).

Iriukbo, I go to bed.

Iriono, it’s so.

Iriuxumu, I take medicine.

Iro, cheek marks.

Iroͅ, I live. §EDO DICTIONARY. 221

Irigbe͉de, I live in Agbede ; ire͉do, I live in Edo.

Irua, I knock.

Irualefwa, I push away ; I upset.

Isa, fæces.

Isá, I jump.

Isadà, I give to drink.

I͉sahe, key and lock.

Isa̯i, I shoot ; hit.

Isa̯iyo, I put (liquid).

I͉sa̯iwe, ground nut.

Isako͉, I file teeth.

Isale, I jump.

Isapame͉logodi, son’s son’s son’s son.

Isága, I am well.

Isa͉vañ, long stone axe.

Isé, flat musical stick.

Ise͉, mancala, a game.

Isè, rattle (calabash).

Isé͉, five.

Isè͉, amen.

I͉sè͉, I am ; I get ; I reach.

Isegegwe, see Ikpogi.

Iselai, I permit, allow.

Isemie, I save.

Isenyogie, twenty-five (in counting).

Ise͉riǫ, I bless ; take off curse.

Íseti, I can’t.

Iseti, I can.

Isi, I ask.

Isie, I pull.

Ísie, I put down.

Isié, I dry.

Isiekotǫ, I extinguish.

Isie͉kwe, I lend.

Isiela̯iodyeke, I leave behind.

Isie͉mi, things collected one by one.

Isili, silver. §222 EDO DICTIONARY.

Isimi, I quarrel.

Isimị, I save.

Isiolulu, I spin cotton.

Isiwa, I sing; dosiwame, come and sing for me.

Isò, I sing.

Isǫ, I reach.

Isǫ́, I break.

Iso, sky.

Isobo̯io, I begin; I catch him.

Isohumu, I butt.

Isǫla̯i, I leave.

Isǫli, I split.

Isome͉, I pierce (with wood).

Isono͉ro, ? cloud; sky in the I wet season.

Isu, I work bronze.

Isuali, I push.

Iswasefe, sides.

Isúẹ, I lead.

I̽sue, I begin.

Isue, I sing.

Isuo̯i, I prick, I pierce (with a spear).

I̽susu, evil thing, ? spirit.

I͉šalo, syphilis.

Itá, I look.

Ita͉̽, I guess ; riddle.

Ita, feather ordeal.

Itaba, tobacco.

Itai, I speak, I say it.

Itegamwe, I try to catch.

Itepe, a kind of snake.

Iterhagbotǫ, I fell a tree.

Iti, I fly.

Itie, I call.

Itiele, I read.

Itihe͉, I curse, I abuse.

Itiko, I call a meeting.

Itoge, I lie. §EDO DICTIONARY. 223

Ito̯̽i, I roast; o͉norie͉toͅ, she gives to roast ; o͉norie͉to̯i, she
takes and roasts.

Itoi, I am alive.

Ito͉loͅ, I scratch.

Ito͉noͅ, I dig.

Itono̯ii, I dig it.

Itota, I sit.

Itota̯ia, buttocks.

Itotasotǫ, I sit down.

Itotoͅ, I dig the ground.

Itu, I dress my hair.

Itue, I salute.

Itue͉gbotoͅ, I fell.

Ituesagie, I bleed.

Itwi, smoother for inside of pot.

Itule͉mu, I run.

Itume, I have connection with.

Itu o͉ma, I salute a man.

Itu͉re, I descend.

Iturewoke, I go down the hill.

Ivá, I hit.

Ivai, I please.

Iva̯ila, I turn off the road.

Ivale, I catch up ; I break.

Ivale, I cut up.

Ivale, food.

Ivarawugie, eighteen.

Ivé͉, I wrestle.

Ive, I can.

I͉vi, iviebo, cocopalm ; palm kernel.

Ivi, scrotum.

Iviawaneha, belt of Orion.

Iviawe, part of foot above heel.

I͉̽vié, I sleep.

Ivié, beads.

Ivíe, I draw.

I͉viekbo, snake. §224 EDO DICTIONARY.

I͉viẹkwẹ, testicle.

Ivierha, shrub.