A, indefinite personal pronoun. Agbirabiyue, may some
one kill your father and mother. Awedo, greeting!
Amegwi, catch the tortoise.

Aba, anklets of beans.

Abà, iron staple for making medicine.

Abekwe, small knife for killing cattle.

Abeṅwali, herring bone pattern.

Abe͉re, stomach marks.

Aberha, branch of tree.

Abiba, eaves.

A̽bode, an Ebọ ; keep watch on the road.

Abo͉kpa̯ii, they are both the same.

Aboͅloͅkpo, loom sword.

Abo͉mo͉te, loin cloth (man’s); triangular.

Axa, weaver bird.

A̽xara, fork (of legs).

Axoxwa, bush fowl.

Axowa, house slave (cannot be sold).

Axwaxwa, crow ; promise.

Axwagaxwaga, dassia, dendro hylax.

Axwaramunu, lip.

Axwe, a climbing plant ; joint ; wash !

Axwe͉, to-morrow. §190 EDO DICTIONARY.

Axwoboͅ, joint (upper limb).

Axwo͉ramohe, labia majora.

Adá, Ihogbwe who attended burials as representative of Ihama.

Ada, fork of road ; sword.

Adaneha, where three roads meet.

Adanine, four cross roads.

Ade͉se, middle ; adesowa, middle of house.

Ade͉se͉neva, middle.

Ade͉se͉nevirha, between two trees.

Ade͉sukpafoñ, uncovered open space in middle of room.

Adi̲ye͉, fowl.

Afe͉, albino.

A̽fia͉, chisel.

Afi̽ama, nervous, afraid.

A͉fiame, pulse.

Afiuhe, syphilis.

Afofo͉mi, I sweat.

A͉ga, stool, chair.

Aga, woman.

Agada, sword.

Agba, four-legged seat.

A͉gba, chin.

Agba, together.

Agbaguda, woman’s cheek mark.

Agbaka, crocodile.

Agbakma, bald.

A͉gbe͉na, battle.

Agbo, ram.

Agboxo͉xo͉, hornet.

Agboxu, ant.

Agboxumu, day for pregnant woman.

Agbodoviñ, shade.

Agbwa, basket in which food is put when Olokum is

A͉gma, man’s basket.

Agme, bamboo, or cord to make patterns on pots ; decorative
marks. §EDO DICTIONARY. 191

Agmo͉ñ, world.

Ago, strong.

Agoboͅ, left hand.

Agogo, shadow.

Agogo, bell ; Hyades.

Agukise͉mogye, evening star ; star that tries to take king-
ship from the moon.

Ahẽ͉, strainer.

Ahiame, bird.

Ahiamoͅlo, bird on Osune͉mato͉n.

Ahiamosa, wagtail ; bird of Osa.

Ahove, armpit.

Ahuo͉nawo͉na, no moon.

a̯igyeke, corner of the house.

a̯ihe, gonorrhea or gleet.

a̯ihioͅ, urine.

a̯ile, I don’t know.

a̯inyehoͅ, deaf.

a̯inyoͅ, rubber ; latex ; palm wine.

a̯inyo͉ka, corn wine.

a̯isse, a form of salutation.

a̯iubo̯iilalua, early morning (= take hand rub eyes).

a̯ivona, no one.

a̯iyaluomanukbo, sacrifice to the year.

a̯iyawomame, sacrifice to rain.

a̯iyę, still ; yet.

a̯iyomanoviñ, sacrifice to sun.

Akaba, dog bell.

Aka̯ihe, fish spear.

Akasa, agidi.

Akba̽siko, musical sticks.

Akbolu, black girdle.

Ake, burning ashes of wood.

Akia, three months.

Akiase, five months.

Akiane, four months.

Aki͉ne͉le, there. §192 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ako, a fruit.

Ako, a figurine used in Ihama’s family for Oton

Ako͉ñ, tooth.

A͉koneto, toothache.

Akota, dog.

A͉kpa, if.

Akpakpa, butterfly, spider.

Akpakpwava, street where dead were exposed.

Akpakugumaga, scorpion.

Akpa̽lakpala, kind of fish.

Akpalode, medicine girdle.

Akpanowiwi, a fool.

Akpata, musical instrument (of any sort).

Akpioñpioñ, hornbill.

Akwę, feathers (for arrow).

Akwe, akwo͉moͅ, uterus.

Ala̯ito, shrub used in medicine.

Alame, tongue ; animal ; meat.

Alame͉ze, river animal.

Alamezi, kind of bird.

Ala̽moha, bush animal.

Ale͉, run !

Alè, cooked.

Ale͉bu, a white yam.

Alele, rope.

Alemolegwa, orange.

Alimoi, orange or lime.

Alo, blue.

Aloi, cripple unable to walk.

A̽loi, kind of fish.

Alono͉sozi, eyes open ; not blind.

Alowa, master or mistress.

Alu, face ; eye ; shrine of an Ebọ.

Alue͉bo͉, shrine.

Alue͉fa̯i, idion of hunter.

Aluewu, hearth.

Aluno͉fwa, cornea (white eye). §EDO DICTIONARY. 193

Aluoma̯i, scar (?).

Ama, wound ; bronze plaque.

Amaihe͉kbolohe͉kbole͉go, early morning (never sweep in
morning yet).

Amavaliwowa, virgin.

Ame, water ; amemake, there is no water left ; ameke,
water remains ; there is some water left.

Ame͉, wife.

Ame͉bi, dark cloud.

Ame͉boͅ, mistress; lover.

Ame͉bosa, wife of Osa ; woman with atresia vaginae.

Amegbalo, cap (rain does not beat face).

Ameṅwe, milk (of a woman).

Ameno͉rho, rain (water which falls).

Ame͉rha, stepmother (wife of father).

Amerhiehie, drizzle (rain eats pepper).

Ame͉ti, water boils.

Amenafofe͉le, the water is all finished.

Amewewe, drizzle.

Ame͉vi, tears.

Amo͉ba, king’s mother’s “wife.”

Amogewaise, chief of the Ewaise.

Amogye, prince’s wife.

Ane, passing fæces.

Aṅwa, tongs.

Animio͉lo, salamander.

Ape͉le, chessboard pattern.

Ará, tinsel.

Arexwe, don’t drive (it) away.

Arhie, man. Arhieva, two men. Arhio͉kpa, one man.

Arhualo, blind.

Arhue͉, circumcision.

Asá, shield, whip of elephant’s tail.

Asa, wand of iluerie.

Asái, take water.

Asaka, stink ant, road ant.

Asamoto͉, driver ant. §194 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ase͉, saliva.

Ase͉kme, a white yam.

A͉soko, a white yam.

Asolo, throwing spear ; small cuts made to cure a boil.

Aso͉ñ, night.

Asũ, black paint (for body).

Atalakpa, leopard.

Ata͉tabo͉, palm of the hand.

Atatawe, sole of the foot ; footprint.

Atehe, caterpillar.

Atele, (?) one said.

Atetugwe, basket for hair.

Ato, grass land.

Ato͉rhi, gonorrhea.

Awá, dog.

Awa͉, prohibition ; ban ; prohibited food.

Awa̯igbe, family prohibition, totem.

Awailimi, prohibition imposed by priest.

Awalo͉kpa, as soon as.

Awase, medicine.

Awava͉noxumu, stone axe (lit. thunder dog).

Awe͉, plantain eater, African pheasant.

Awehame, instep (?).

Awe͉kia, impotent man.

Awe͉se, thank you.

Awowo, hot.

Awoxa, boy.

Awoxoxu, girl.

Avalaka, a pattern (No. 10 in N. and Q.), (lit. hammer).

A͉vañ, flying squirrel.

Avanoxumu, thunder.

Avíe͉, pus.

A̽vie͉, clitoris.

Avie͉li, idle, asleep.

Avihue, vein near anus.

Aza, store room.

Aze, witch. §EDO DICTIONARY. 195

Azua, man who asks (? sponges).

Azuwa, hair pin.

Azuzu, fan.

Ba, now ; with.

Bà, suffix meaning upright; onarhieba, he stood it up.

Bá͉, call for dog.

Baba, father.

Baba, just now.

Bame, with me.

Be, we, as.

Be, who, what, where ; bati͉ruwe, what is your name ? Boͅxi,
what is it? Bo͉de͉sęhę, how far? Bo̲gbe, who killed
(him)? Ba̯ia̯ilu, what is it for? Bo͉zenunalwona,
why do you do this ? Bo͉zono͉lunye, why do you do
thus ? Bwalu, what do you do ? Bwayeyi, where do
you live ?

Be, in, of ; begbema, in our family.

Bemata, true.

Bizo, big.

Botoͅ, down.

Bugbehia, all the time.

De, ever.

De͉, what.

De͉de͉ne͉le͉xi, what is to-day ?

Dedeno͉xia, when is he going?

Dedenoxia, when are you going ?

De͉kbo, when.

De͉kbonuki, how long ?

De͉ke, where.

De͉no͉xi, which.

Dewenohó, which goat do you want ?

Dewonuyi, where do you live ?

Dewonu͉rie, where are you going ?

Dia, wait. §196 EDO DICTIONARY.

Diobo͉birha, go to the right.

Dioba͉go͉bo, go to the left.

Do, a salutation.

Do͉manoxi, whose man are you ?

Dose͉nia, till now.

Dosi, come and ask.

Dosowame, come, reach my house.

E, negative prefix; o͉xiame, it hurts me; e͉xiame, it does
not hurt me.

E͉baxwe, parrots’ feathers.

E͉bale, sides of forecourt.

E͉balue͉limi, Ebaluerha, raised platform at side of father’s

E͉baluiye, raised platform in mother’s room.

E͉bate, round bundle of fern in ome.

E͉bẽ͉, ceremonial sword.

Ẹbe, leaf ; book.

Ebęli, agidi leaf.

Ebewana, palm leaf pattern.

E͉bi, prevention (?).

E͉bie͉bie͉, darkness.

E͉bisugu, leaf used to make black pigment.