00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 69

01 AGH - ọ sẹ ne ukpogieha ; | ọ ke sẹ ne iran ihinrọn foo ẹre | iran na mu,
01 EDO - o͉se͉nukpogiha ; | o͉kwesina̯ihino fofe͉le | i͉nanamu,

02 ENG - he shot the third ; | he shot all seven | they took (the box),

03 AGH - iran na rrie owa ; | iran ghi khian khere ; | ne ọdiọn de, | ọ wu ;
03 EDO - i͉nanariowa ; | i͉nagi͉xiaxe͉re ; | no͉diodè, | o͉wu ;

04 ENG - they went home ; | they went a little way ; | eldest fell, | he died ;

05 AGH - ne ukpogieva ọ de ; | ọ wu ; | ne ukpoghieha ; | iran ehia ke wu ;
05 EDO - nukpogieva o͉dè ; | o͉wu ; | nukpogiha̽ ; | i͉ne̽hakewu ;

06 ENG - second fell ; | died ; | and the third ; | all six died ;

07 AGH - ọ ke kẹẹ nekherhe ; | nekherhe na rrie owa. | Ọ ghi sẹ owa ;
07 EDO - o͉kweke͉ne͉xe͉re ; | ne͉xe͉renariowa. | O͉gisowa ;

08 ENG - there remained the small one; | small one went home. | When he got

09 ENG - home,

10 AGH - ọ doo vbaa erha ẹre | ọ tota ye iba re ;
10 EDO - o͉dova̯irha̯i | o͉tota̯ibale ;

11 ENG - he came and met his father | he sat on the seat on verandah ;

12 AGH - ọ na diguẹ | ọ wẹ iran rrie (?) ; | Erha na wẹ :
12 EDO - o͉nadi͉gue | owunarienewo ; | Erhanawę̀ :

13 ENG - he knelt | he said they are come back ; | father said :

14 AGH - Etẹn uwẹ vboo ? | ọ wẹ iran wu ; | ọ wẹ iran khọọn re ;
14 EDO - Etue͉wo ? | o͉wunawu ; | o͉wunaxo͉le ;

15 ENG - Where your brothers ? | he said they are dead ; | he said they fought ;

16 AGH - iran gbe ogie | iran gbe odibo, | iran gbe amwenbọ ;
16 EDO - i͉nagbogi͉e | i͉nagbodibo, | i͉nagbame͉bǫ ;

17 ENG - they killed the king | they killed king's servants, | they killed king's

18 ENG - wives' servants,

19 AGH - ọ wẹ ghee uhunmwun iran ; | ọ rhie obọ (?) uhunmwun ;
19 EDO - o͉we͉guhumina ; | o͉rhio͉bomaxumu ;

20 ENG - he said look their heads ; | he took his hand round his head ;

21 AGH - ọ de | ọ wu.
21 EDO - o͉dè | o͉wu.

22 ENG - he fell | he died.

23 AGH - Erha na gha viẹ, | iye na gha viẹ | Osalobua | ke la die.
23 EDO - Erha̯inamavie, | iyenagavie, | Osalobwa | ke͉la̽die.

24 ENG - His father cried, | his mother cried, | Osa | came.

25 AGH - Ọ na wẹ erha : | Vbọ khin ? | ke ne owiẹ gha dee.
25 EDO - O͉nawęhra̯i : | Bo͉xi ? | ke͉nowie͉gade.

26 ENG - He said to father : | what is it ? | from morning come.

27 AGH - Ọ na wẹ ivbi ẹre wulo ; | Osalobua | ọ na rhie uwẹnrhiẹn
27 EDO - O͉nawivie͉le͉wulo ; | Osalobwa | o͉nariumwe͉rie

28 ENG - He said his sons were dead ; | Osa | took whip

29 AGH - ọ na rrie ne odẹ | ọ ke gha fi iran re, | iran ke rhiọrre,
29 EDO - o͉narie͉node | o͉kwegafienale, | inake͉rhio͉re,

30 ENG - he went on road | he whipped them, | they woke up,

31 AGH - ne ọdiọn ne ọ ka wu | ọ na wẹ irẹn i dee ;
31 EDO - no͉dio͉no͉kawu | o͉nawunegide ;

32 ENG - eldest who died first | he said he would not come ;

33 AGH - ọ wẹ iren rri ema erinmwin | Osalobua | na wẹ hẹẹ,
33 EDO - owune͉rieme͉linime | Osalobwa | nawęhé,

34 ENG - he said he was chopping fufu in Elimi | Osa | said "all right.",