00 ENG - 68 | EDO TEXTS.

01 AGH - a ke doo sẹ eke ne otọ ne ọ mwẹen aro, | Owaihia | ọ ma ghi miẹ
01 EDO - ake͉doseke͉noto͉nomalu, | Owa̽ihia | o͉magi͉mie

02 ENG - they reached place where ground has eyes, | We all | could not find

03 AGH - eke ne otọ ne ọ mwẹen aro ; | ọre ekparhurhu iran sai ; | ọ na wẹ ;
03 EDO - e͉ke͉noto͉no͉malo ; | o͉lekparurhu inasai ; | o͉nawę̀ ;

04 ENG - place where ground has eyes ; | so ants bit him ; | he said ;

05 AGH - gu mwẹn si-kẹẹ odọ ; | ọ na la vbe ẹkpiku, | iran ghi hoo ẹre ;
05 EDO - gumesi͉ko͉do ; | o͉nalawe͉kbiku, | i͉nagihue͉le ;

06 ENG - let me go on ; | he went under dry leaves, | when they looked for it ;

07 AGH - iran ma ghi miẹ ọre ;| ọre asaka | iran gha hoo ẹre khian.
07 EDO - i͉namagi͉mio ; | o͉lasaka | inagahwe͉le͉xia.

08 ENG - they did not see it ; | so ants | began to look for him.


10 AGH - Iran ihinrọn, | erha iran (?) iran, | iye iran (?) iran ;
10 EDO - Ina̯ihino, | ęrhina̽bina, | iyena̽bina ;

11 ENG - Seven men, | their father bore them, | their mother bore them ;

12 AGH - iran doo (?) ; | erha iran na (?) iran ; | ọ ke gie iran
12 EDO - i͉nadomwa ; | erhinanabokbina ; | o͉ke͉gina

13 ENG - they came grow ; | their father troubled them ; | he sent them

14 ENG - (grew up)

15 AGH - okuo ; | iran ne a gha khian ; | iran ne a ghi sẹ evba ; | iran ke khọọn,
15 EDO - okwo ; | i͉nana.axia ; | i͉nagiseva ; | inake͉xoñ,

16 ENG - to war ; | they went ; | when they got there ; | they fought,

17 AGH - iran ke mu ẹre ogie ; | iran mu odibo ẹre ; | iran ue amwenbọ ;
17 EDO - inakemwe͉logye ; | i͉namodibęle ; | i͉namwamebǫ ;

18 ENG - they took the ogye ; | they caught his servants ; | they caught his wife's

19 ENG - servants ;

20 AGH - iran ke gia iran ; | iran viọ ẹre ẹkpoki ; | iran ke gue ẹre ;
20 EDO - i͉nakegyagina ; | i͉navie͉kboki ; | i͉nake͉gweli ;

21 ENG - they cut them ; | they put them in a box ; | they covered it ;

22 AGH - iran na a die owa ; | nekherhe ke mu rẹn ; | iran ghi sẹ ẹzẹ
22 EDO - i͉nana.adiowa ; | ne͉xerekemwe͉ ; | i͉nagise͉ze

23 ENG - they went home ; | small one carried it ; | when they reached river

24 AGH - iran ke (?) ; | iran wẹ iran gha khuẹ, | nekherhe
24 EDO - i͉nakesie͉ ; | i͉nawinagaxwe, | ne͉xe͉re

25 ENG - they put it down ; | they said they would wash, | small one

26 AGH - ọ na wẹ iran ghẹ khuẹ ẹre ; | iran wẹ te iran khuẹ | iran ma rẹn
26 EDO - o͉nawinage͉xe͉re ; | i͉nawe͉tinaxwe | i͉namale

27 ENG - said "don't wash" ; | they said they would wash | they didn't know

28 AGH - ohuẹ lẹre | vbe ọkpẹnzẹ. | Iran ke de (?) ẹzẹ ;
28 EDO - owe͉le͉le | boke͉ze. | I͉nake͉de͉lie͉ze ;

29 ENG - hunter was hiding | on the bank of the river. | They fall into river ;

30 AGH - ohuẹ na fi iran. | Ọ ke sẹ(?) ne ọdiọn | ọ sẹ(?) ne ukpogieva ;
30 EDO - owènafina. | O͉kwese͉no͉dio͉ñ | o͉se͉nukpogieva ;

31 ENG - hunter shot them. | He shot the eldest | he shot the second ;