00 ENG - 48 | EDO TEXTS.

01 AGH - ọ buu(?) igue vbe ọkpa yan uri | ọ ma ghi biẹ,
01 EDO - o͉bwi͉gwo͉kp̠a̯inyǫli | o͉magi͉bie,

02 ENG - when she put them in two hundred and one villages ; | when she had no

03 ENG - children ;

04 AGH - ọ na kpaegbe | ọ na ya ọbiro ; | ọ na wẹ (?) ya ọbo ;
04 EDO - o͉nakba̯igbe | o͉naya̽bo̯iǫ ; | o͉nawe͉sokwo̯iyao͉bo ;

05 ENG - she got up | she went to divine ; | he said the only thing [is] you go

06 ENG - to doctor ;

07 AGH - ne ọbo rhie ẹre | a rrie Osalobua ; | ọ ke die (?) vbe ọbo ;
07 EDO - no͉bo rhie͉le | ariOsalobwa ; | o͉ke͉dino͉vo͉bo ;

08 ENG - let doctor take you | to go to Osalobua ; | so she went to doctor ;

09 AGH - ọbo na rhie ẹre ; | gha rrie vbe osalobua ; | ọ na wẹ osalobua :
09 EDO - o͉bonarhie͉le ; | gariewosalobua ; | o͉nawosalobwa :

10 ENG - the doctor took her ; | to go to Osalobua ; | she said to Osalobua :

11 AGH - ne ma biẹ | Osalobue na wẹ ẹre | gha rrie owa ;
11 EDO - nemabie | Osalobwanawe͉le | gariowa ;

12 ENG - she had no children ; | Osalobua said to her | go home ;

13 AGH - ọ ghi sẹ owa, | ne ọ ya ru ehi ẹre | a gbe ẹmila vbe(?) ehi ;
13 EDO - o͉gasowa, | noialuehie͉le | agbe͉milalehi ;

14 ENG - when she got home | let her sacrifice to Ehi | kill cow for Ehi ;

15 AGH - ọ na wẹ ọmọ ọkpa | ọ ghi kẹẹ, | Ọmọbe, | ọ na wẹ ọmọbe na ;
15 EDO - o͉nawo͉mo͉kp̠a | o͉gikę, | O͉mo͉be, | o͉nawo͉mo͉be͉na ;

16 ENG - he said : one son | remains, | Omobe, | he said, it is Omobe ;

17 AGH - ọ na wẹ emwin vuọn aro ; | ọ wẹ (?) rhie (?)
17 EDO - o͉nawe͉mi͉vwonalu ; | o͉węsokworhie͉ninio̯i

18 ENG - he said, things won't please his eye ; | she said just give him to me

19 AGH - Osalobua na wẹ gha khian ; | ọ ghi sẹ uwu agbọn uwu erinmwin ;
19 EDO - Osalobwanawę̀gaxia ; | o͉gisuwagmo͉ñuwe͉limi ;

20 ENG - Osalobua said : go ; | when she got half way between earth and

21 ENG - heaven ;

22 AGH - ẹdien(?) Osalobua rhie ne ; ọ ke rri ẹre ; | ọ ke dia ;
22 EDO - e͉dinOsalobwarhiene ; | o͉kerhii͉le ; | o͉ke͉dia ;

23 ENG - palm nut Osa gave her ; | she ate it ; | she menstruated ;

24 AGH - ọ ghi sẹ owa do khuẹ ; | ọ ghi khuẹ nẹ ; | ọ na wẹ ọdọ ẹre :
24 EDO - o͉gisowadoxwe ; | o͉gixwena ; | o͉nawo͉do͉le :

25 ENG - when she got home, she washed ; | when she washed ; | she said to her

26 ENG - husband :

27 AGH - do mu egbe ; | ọ ke do wa hamwan ; | ọ ke do biẹ ;
27 EDO - domie͉gbe ; | o͉ke͉dowahama ; | o͉ke͉dobie ;

28 ENG - come take body ; | then she became pregnant ; | she bore child ;

29 AGH - ọ ghi ghee ọmọbe na ; | ọmọ nii ke do (?) waan ; | ọ ke do siwu
29 EDO - o͉gigo͉mo͉bęna ; | o͉mo͉nike͉doṅwa ; | o͉ke͉dosiwu

30 ENG - she saw [it was] Omobe ; | that child grew up ; | he got marks

31 AGH - ọ ke sọ ne ọ rọnmwẹn ; | ọ na wẹ iye
31 EDO - o͉ke͉dose no͉lo͉mame ; | o͉nawiye

32 ENG - he was old enough to marry wife ; | he said to mother

33 AGH - ne ọ rhie okhuo ne ; | iye na | vbe ọ ma (?) sẹ ;
33 EDO - norhioxwone ; | iyena | wo͉ma̯ise ;

34 ENG - to give him woman ; | his mother said | "You are not grown yet" ;

35 AGH - ọ ke do sẹ iye la ; | ọ ka a rrioe ; | ọ ke ya tuẹ iye-nagbọn ;
35 EDO - lo͉ke͉dosiyela̯i ; | o͉kea͉riole ; | o͉kweyatuiye͉nagmo͉ñ ;

36 ENG - he left his mother ; | he went out ; | he went salute his mistress ;