00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 27

01 AGH - egui na wẹ ; | ọ na lẹẹ fi oha, | ọ na gha khian ; | ọ ke die (?) ẹvbo
01 EDO - e͉gwinawę̀ ; | o͉nale͉fioha, | o͉nagaxia ; | o͉ke͉dide͉wo

02 ENG - tortoise said ; | he was running to bush, | he went ; | he went to another

03 ENG - country

04 AGH - ọ na wẹ a tie iko ; | ọ na wẹ doo ; | ọ wẹ ukọn osa ẹre khin
04 EDO - o͉nawatiko ; | o͉nawado ; | o͉wukosale͉xi

05 ENG - he said "Call meeting", ; | he saluted them ; | he said he was Osa's

06 ENG - messenger ;

07 AGH - Osalobua wẹ doo ; | ọ wẹ ne irẹn (?) | ẹvbo na ;
07 EDO - Osalobwa we͉do ; | o͉we͉nie͉do͉lole | e͉wona̯ii ;

08 ENG - Osalobua says he salutes [you] ; | he said let them look | this country ;

09 AGH - ọ na wẹ, | iran yi uhi, | ọ (?)
09 EDO - o͉nawę̀ | i͉na̯iyuhi, | o͉gwaga̯inye

10 ENG - he said, | let them make law, | that if a man passes faeces,

11 AGH - a i iyẹngbe ; ọ wẹ imuẹ gha rri ọmwan, | a i ekhue(?) ;
11 EDO - a̯inye͉gbe ; | o͉wunwegario͉ma, | aie͉xwe ;

12 ENG - he does not strain ; | he said when mosquitoes bite man, | don't drive it

13 ENG - away ;

14 AGH - ọ wẹ a gha rhie ema | awua tu(?) ẹhiẹn ;
14 EDO - o͉wagariema | awa̯itue͉hie ;

15 ENG - he said, when man chops fufu | it is forbidden to draw in breath for

16 ENG - pepper ;

17 AGH - ọ na wẹ : | wa gha ru idiọn | ọ guan ? | ẹvbo na wẹ hẹẹ ;
17 EDO - o͉nawę : | wagalui͉dio͉ñ | o͉gwa ? | e͉wonawęhę ;

18 ENG - he said ; | when they sacriflce to Idion | does it talk ? | country said "no" ;

19 AGH - ọ na wẹ irakhuẹ ; | wa le ema, | ne le ya ru idiọn ;
19 EDO - o͉nawęlaxwe ; | wa̯ia̽lema, | nileyalui͉dio͉ñ ;

20 ENG - he said "Day after to-morrow | go cook fufu, let him cook sacrifice to

21 ENG - Idion ;

22 AGH - ẹvbo na wẹ iran họn ; | ọ na wẹ ẹvbo | we (?) ukọn (?) ;
22 EDO - e͉wonawinaho̯i ; | o͉nawe͉wo | wo͉zukoninǫ ;

23 ENG - country said they heard ; | he said to country | send messenger for him ;

24 AGH - (?) | rẹn gha iyẹngbe ; | wa gbe ẹre rua ; | rẹn ma iyẹngbe ;
24 EDO - leiyane ; | lega̯inyi͉gbe | wagbe͉le͉noa ; | lema̯inyi͉gbe ;

25 ENG - if he goes to stool ; | if he strains | kill him | if he did not strain ;

26 AGH - wa rẹn vbe ukọ osa ẹre khin | rẹn gha rhie ema
26 EDO - walewukǫsalexi | le͉gariema

27 ENG - know he is Osa's messenger ; | if he chops fufu,

28 AGH - rẹn gha tu(?) ẹhiẹn | wa gbe irẹn rua
28 EDO - negatwehie | wabgi͉lenwa

29 ENG - if he draws his breath for pepper, | you must kill him

30 AGH - rẹn ma tu(?) ẹhiẹn | we rẹn ukọ osa ẹre khin ;
30 EDO - le͉matwehie | wale ukuosale͉xi ;

31 ENG - if he does not draw breath for pepper | know he is Osa's messenger ;

32 AGH - iran ke (?) ọfiontọ | (?) ẹre ; | ọ ghi sẹ evba ;
32 EDO - i͉nake͉zo͉fiotǫ | le͉le ; | o͉giseva ;

33 ENG - they sent bush rat | for him | when he reached there ;

34 AGH - ọ na wẹ ẹre gha nẹ ; | ọ na digiẹn ;
34 EDO - o͉nawę̀le͉lane ; | o͉nadi͉gie ;

35 ENG - he said he was going to defaecate ; | he squatted down ;