00 ENG - 26 | EDO TEXTS.

01 AGH - iran ke rri ọre ; iran na mu ebe ; | iran na mu ne nekherhe ; | ya mu fua ;
01 EDO - inake͉rio̯i ; | i͉na͉na mwebe͉li ; | i͉nanamunene͉xe͉re ; | yamufwa ;

02 ENG - they ate it ; | they take leaf ; | they give to small (one) ; | go, throw it

03 ENG - away ;

04 AGH - nekherhe ghi sẹ iyeke owa, | ọ ke wee ebe, | ọ ghee (?) kherhe uwu ẹre ;
04 EDO - ne͉xe͉re͉gisekyekowa, | o͉kwera̯ibe, | o͉govie͉xe͉rewuwe͉le ;

05 ENG - when small boy got back of house, | he opened leaf, | he saw small inside ;

06 AGH - ọ na rhie re ; | iran na dẹghe ẹre ; | iran na tie ẹre ; | ọ ke gha de ;
06 EDO - olarhii͉le ; | i͉nanade͉ge͉le ; | i͉nanatie͉le͉ ; | o͉kwegade ;

07 ENG - he took, ate it ; | they watched him ; | they called him ; | he went ;

08 AGH - iran na mu rẹn gbe otọ ; | iran ne gbe ; | ọ ke gha viẹ ;
08 EDO - inanamwe͉gbotǫ ; | i͉nanagbe̽ ; | okwegavie ;

09 ENG - they put him on grouud ; | they beat him ; | he began to cry ;

10 AGH - iran ke (?) ; | ọ ke ya tota ; | ọ na rhie ọghọe(?) igho
10 EDO - inakesǫla̯i ; | o͉kweyalota ; | o͉narhio͉go̯igigo

11 ENG - they left him ; | he went and sat down ; | he took his own money ;

12 AGH - ọ na rhie gha rrie ẹki ; | ọ ghi sẹ ẹki ; | ọ na ya dẹ emiowo ;
12 EDO - o͉narhiegarie͉ki ; | o͉gise͉ki ; | o͉na̯iademiowo ;

13 ENG - he took it and went to market ; | when he got to market ; | he bought meat ;

14 AGH - ọ na rhie ghe de owa ; | ọ na do gia ẹre | ọ ke tie tie(?) ọre ; | wa do rie emiowo ;
14 EDO - o͉narhiegadeowa ; | o͉nadogiale | o͉kwetie͉tio͉le ; | wadorhie͉miowo ;

15 ENG - he took it home ; | he cut it | he called his | come and take

16 ENG - brothers ; meat ;

17 AGH - iran na gha de ; | iran na tota | iran na rhie emiowo ; | egui ke rre,
17 EDO - i͉nanagade ; | i͉nanatota | i͉nanarhie͉miowo ; | e͉gwike͉re,

18 ENG - they came ; | they sat down | took meat ; | tortoise came,

19 AGH - egui na tota ; | egui na ga re, | (?) fo ; | egui na gha rrie owa ;
19 EDO - e͉gwinatota ; | e͉gwinagale, | agi͉rie͉fo ; | e͉gwinagariowa ;

20 ENG - tortoise sat down ; | tortoise ate, | agidi was done ; tortoise went home ;

21 AGH - ọ na ya tama ogiso, | ọ na wẹ ibiẹka ne eha, | ọ we iran gbe ohuan ;
21 EDO - o͉na̯iatamogiso, | o͉nawe͉bie͉kanehá, | o͉winagbohua ;

22 ENG - he went tell Ogiso, | he said : "Three boys, | he said, they killed

23 ENG - sheep ;

24 AGH - ọ wẹ iran gbe re. | Ogiso na wẹwẹ ẹmwanta ? | Ogiso we a (?) omwan
24 EDO - o͉winagbe͉le. | Ogisonawę o͉mata ? | Ogisowadzo͉ma

25 ENG - they killed and ate it." | Ogiso said "Is it true ?" | Ogiso sent a person

26 AGH - ya tie iran rre ; | iran ke rre ; | Ogiso nọ iran | wa gbe ohuan ?
26 EDO - yatinare ; | i͉nake͉re ; | Ogisonane͉na | wagbo̽hua ?

27 ENG - to go and call them ; | they came ; | Ogiso asked them "Did you kill

28 ENG - a sheep ? "

29 AGH - Ne ọdion ne ọ rhọọ, | ọ wẹ ọre ma gbe ; | ne ukpogieva
29 EDO - No͉dio͉no͉ro͉, | o͉wulemagbe ; | nukpogieva

30 ENG - the eldest of them | said, he did not kill it ; | the second

31 AGH - ọ we ọre ma gbe ; | ne ehkerhe | ọ na wẹ ẹre gbe ;
31 EDO - o͉wulemagbe ; | ne͉xe͉re | o͉nawele͉gbe ;

32 ENG - said, he did not kill it ; | the small one | said he killed it ;

33 AGH - ọ na wẹ egui (?) | Ogiso na wẹ | a miẹ egui ; | a (?) mu egui ;
33 EDO - o͉nawe͉gwilo͉dio̯i | Ogiso͉nawę̀ | amie͉gwi ; | age͉me͉gwi ;

34 ENG - he said tortoise ate it | Ogiso said | catch tortoise | catch tortoise

35 ENG - (let them)