00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 11

01 AGH - ọ na wẹ gberraa ; | ọ na sẹ ogie(?) iye Ehẹnbuda. | Ọ na wẹ ẹre:
01 EDO - o͉nanawe͉gbi͉ra ; | o͉nasogiy' Ehe͉nbuda. | O͉nawęle :

02 ENG - he said pass ; | he reached mother of Edenbuda. | She said :

03 AGH - Wa rrie ? | I rrie ẹrinmwin. | Ọ na wẹ "M" | Wa la ru ?
03 EDO - Warie͉ ? | I͉rie͉limi. | O͉nawę̀ "M" | Walalu ?

04 ENG - Whither ? | I go to Elimi | She said "M" | What go do ?

05 AGH - I yo a mwẹẹn one | ne i sa (past) ; | ọ wẹ ẹre ; | u ghi miẹ isi,
05 EDO - Iyamwone | nisai ; | o͉we͉le ; | ugamisi,

06 ENG - I fetch crocodile | that I shot, | said he to her ; | if you see it

07 AGH - u gha nọ(?) re ; | ọ na wẹ (?) ; | ọ na wẹ ọga,
07 EDO - ugano͉le ; | o͉nawuetino͉le ; | o͉nawo͉ga,

08 ENG - do you know it ; | he said he knew it ; | she said spear,

09 AGH - ọ na wẹ a gbe umẹ orhue ; | a ne eva viọ gha rre
09 EDO - o͉nawagbe͉lume orhue ; | a̯inevavio͉gare

10 ENG - she said they rub it with camwood and chalk ; | if they two bring the

11 ENG - spears,

12 AGH - rhie owo umẹ ni ; | ọ (?) ya nọ re ; | ọ na wẹ ne one ne u sa (past)
12 EDO - rhiǫwume͉ni ; | o͉luwiyano͉le ; | o͉nawęnonenusai

13 ENG - take the camwood one ; | so you go know it ; | she said the crocodile

14 ENG - that you spear

15 AGH - ọ na wẹ a ye umẹ vbe ẹre eke vbe ọ na sa(?) ; | ọ na wẹ ;
15 EDO - o͉nawaiume(i)we͉le e͉ke͉wonasue ; | o͉nawę̀ ;

16 ENG - she said with chalk they rub it in the place you shot it ; | she said ;

17 AGH - a gha le emwin ne uwẹ, | ghẹ le u te gha rrie. | Ọ na wẹ hẹẹ.
17 EDO - agale͉miṅwe, | ge͉le utegarie. | O͉nawęhe.

18 ENG - if they cook for you, | don't eat till you go. | He said "yes."

19 AGH - Ọ viọ egui eva | Osalobua ọ ghi wẹ digue,
19 EDO - O͉vie͉gwiyeva | Osalobwa | o͉gawędi͉gue,

20 ENG - She gave him two tortoises ; | if Osa says kneel,

21 AGH - wa ghi sẹ ẹguae osa, | awa digue.
21 EDO - wagise͉gwasa, | awadi͉gue.

22 ENG - when you reach Osa's palace, | it is forbidden to kneel.

23 AGH - Ọ na gha khian Erinwmin ; | ọ ghi sẹ ẹguae osa, | Esu ke ghi miẹ (past),
23 EDO - O͉nagaxia E͉limi ; | o͉gise͉gwasa, | Esuke͉gi͉mio,

24 ENG - He went to Elimi ; | when he reached Osa's palace, | when Esu saw him,

25 AGH - Esu na wẹ wa rrie. | Ọ talama(?) esu ; | I la miẹ Osalobua (?),
25 EDO - Esunawęwarie. | O͉talama̯isu ; | I͉lamie Osalobwalo,

26 ENG - Esu said which way do you go. | He said to Esu ; | I go to see Osa's face,

27 AGH - ya tama osalobua ; | ya tama olokun | ya tie ẹre rre gu mwẹn.
27 EDO - yatamalosalobwa ; | yatamalolokun | yatie͉le͉re͉gume.

28 ENG - go tell Osa ; | go tell Olokun ; | go tell them come for me.

29 AGH - Ọ na gha khian ; | ọ ke tie ẹre ; | ọ na wẹ iran ne a rre.
29 EDO - O͉nagaxia ; | o͉ke͉tie͉le͉re ; | o͉nawe͉lina͉re.

30 ENG - He went ; | he told them come ; | he said they are coming.

31 AGH - Ọ na rhie egui, | ọ na rhie ye otọ ; | ọ ghi rre Ehramoisa ;
31 EDO - O͉narhie͉gwe, | o͉narhyotǫ ; | o͉girEhramoisa ;

32 ENG - He took tortoise, | he put it on ground ; | when Ehramoisa came ;

33 AGH - ọ na wẹ : | digue ; | ọ na digue ne (?) egui. | Oisa :
33 EDO - o͉nawę̀ : | di͉gwe ; | o͉nadi͉gwe nia̯igwe. | Oisa :

34 ENG - he said : | kneel ; | he knelt on the tortoise. | Oisa :