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The work entailed in the collection of material for this Dictionary was carried out under a scheme of research into African linguistics inaugurated when the Rockefeller Foundation made a benefaction to the School of Oriental studies, University of London, in 1932. To the Rockefeller Foundation and to the Governing Body of the School I wish to tender my sincere thanks for the opportunity of carrying out this research work in the field and for the grant set aside for its publication. A grant for a second tour in Nigeria to continue work on the Bini language, given by the International Institute of African Languages aud Cultures in the autumn of 1935, enabled me to revise the first proofs of the Dictionary with my main informant: I wish to express my thanks to the Institute for this valuable opportunity of verifying the work done in the first tour.

In Nigeria I received assistance in many directions, and although it is impossible to name all who helped me, I am glad to make grateful acknowledgement for this assistance here. Special thanks are due to the Government of Nigeria and to the Education Department in particular for accommodation and transport and for the general arrangements of my tours; and to the following people for particular services in connection with this Dictionary:

R. F. G. Adams, Esq., Education Department, for a copy of Mr Butcher’s Bini Dictionary in the new script.

H. L. M. Butcher, Esq., The Secretariat, Southern Provinces, Nigeria, for the copy of his Bini Dictionary and permission to use it.

W. A. Fairbairn, Esq., Forestry Department (author of Common Birds of West Africa) for the Bini names of birds with their correct English equivalents and for some of the names of animals.

Dr W. Hunter, M.O. Benin City, who went through the Bini names of diseases and identified them.

Rev. W. J. Payne, C.M.S. Benin, who introduced me to my two informants Edegbe and Egharevba.

R. Macrae Simpson, Esq., M.B.E., for valuable suggestions about the social structure and political organisation of the State of Benin. He also allowed me to see a copy of his draft report on these subjects.

R. A. Sykes, Esq., Forestry Department, for the Bini and Latin names of trees (F.D. Lists).

My African informants are named and described in the Introduction (p. viii, ix) and I should like to express my thanks to them here.
