*Page 6: Mon Aug 6 14:17:35 2018
 For help in the preparation of the Dictionary, I wish to thank
*Professor Lloyd James, who has gone through the items and advised
*on general arrangement, Dr I. C. Ward and Miss B. Honikman who
*have read the proofs. Dr Ward’s independent verification of some of
*my findings in the sound system of the language has been of in-
*estimable value. My thanks are also due to Mr J. R. Firth who has
*had a stimulating influence on the tendency in this dictionary to stress
*the importance of cultural surroundings. Finally I wish to thank my
*wife who has undertaken a considerable amount of work in the pre-
*paration of the MS. and the printers who have carried out a difficult
*task with great skill.
*H. J. Melzian.
*August 1937.