Hans Melzian (1907-1945)

"The writing of dictionaries is a difficult, demanding, and exhausting enterprise. And it is too often a thankless one, in that most readers are quick to note errors which they think they themselves would not have made, but are slow to acknowledge that they themselves would probably not have had the devotion and patience to undertake such a formidable task in the first place."
Roger W. Wescott

Hans Melzian through the eyes of Hansjochem Autrum

Hans Melzian was a friend of the zoologist Hansjochem Autrum who in his autobiography Mein Leben: wie sich Glück und Verdienst verketten devotes a few passages to Hans Melzian. read more.

An almost forgotten Africa student

Miehe, G. - Hans-Joachim Melzian ein fast vergessener Berliner Afrikanist (download CES)

Reviews of the dictionary

Last update: 19-01-2020