TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD | MATTHEW 25 “Keep on the Watch”Although Jesus directed the parable of the ten virgins to his anointed followers, its basic message applies to all Christians. (w15 3/15 12-16) “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Mt 25:13) Can you explain Jesus’ parable?
EMWI EWE NI RRE ẸMWẸ ỌGHE OSANOBUA | MATIU 25 ‘Wa Gha Bodẹ’25:1-12 Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, rhunmwuda Ivbiotu e Kristi na hannọ zẹ ẹre Jesu na zẹ erre ọghe uvbi igbe, ọ vbe dekaan Ivbiotu e Kristi hia. (w15 3/15 12-16) “Rhunmwuda ọnii, wa gha ba egbe vbe ne uwa ma na rẹn ikpẹdẹ ra ẹghẹ ne ọ wa khin.” (Mat 25:13) Uwẹ gha sẹtin rhan otọ erre ne Jesu zẹ na ra?