Love for God and Neighbor​—How to Cultivate It

Love for God and Neighbor​—How to Cultivate It

Although the Mosaic Law is not binding on Christians, its two greatest commandments​—to love God and to love our neighbor—​still summarize what Jehovah requires of us. (Mt 22:37-39) Such love is not inherited. It must be cultivated. How? One important way is by means of daily Bible reading. When we consider the various facets of God’s personality as revealed in the Scriptures, we behold “the pleasantness of Jehovah.” (Ps 27:4) As a result, our love for him grows and our thinking becomes more like his. This motivates us to observe God’s commandments, including the command to demonstrate self-sacrificing love for others. (Joh 13:34, 35; 1Jo 5:3) Here are three suggestions to make Bible reading more enjoyable:

  • Use your imagination, and engage your senses. Imagine that you are there. What would you see, hear, and smell? What may be the feelings of those involved?

  • Vary your approach. Here are some options: Read aloud, or follow along while listening to an audio recording. Read about a particular Bible character or subject instead of reading chapters in order. For example, use Appendix A7 or B12 in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures to read about Jesus. Read the entire chapter from which the daily text is taken. Read the Bible books in the order they were written.

  • Read to understand. Reading even one chapter each day with understanding and meditating on it is far better than reading many chapters just for the sake of covering material. Consider the setting. Analyze the details. Make use of maps and marginal references. Research at least one point that you do not understand. If possible, spend about the same amount of time to meditate as you would to read.


Vbene A Ya Họọn Rẹn Hẹ Ighẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Na Mwẹ Ne Osanobua Kevbe Ogieva Ima

Vbene A Ya Họọn Rẹn Hẹ Ighẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Na Mwẹ Ne Osanobua Kevbe Ogieva Ima

Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbiotu e Kristi i ghi rre ototọ Uhi e Mosis, e Jehova ye hoo ne ima gha lele iyi eva nọ ghi kpọlọ sẹ vbe Uhi e Mosis—ọni ọre na hoẹmwẹ Osanobua kevbe ogieva ima. (Mat 22:37-39) A ma biẹ ima biẹ ahoẹmwọmwa vberriọ. Te ima gha họọn rẹn. De vbene ima khian ya ru ọna hẹ? Odẹ ọkpa ne kpataki ọre na gha tie Baibol vbe ẹdẹgbegbe. Adeghẹ ima na gha ruẹ vbekpae akpa ughughan ne Osanobua mwẹ, ma ghi do bẹghe ‘umamwẹ ọghe Jehova.’ (Psm 27:⁠4) Ma ghaa ru vberriọ, ma ghi do hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn sayọ kevbe wẹẹ ima ghi do gha mwẹ iziro ọghẹe. Ọna ghi gua ima kpa ya gha lele avbe iyi ọghe Osanobua; usun avbe iyi na ọre na ya ekhọe hia hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe. (Jọn 13:34, 35; 1 Jọn 5:3) Ghee azẹvbiro eha nọ gha ya ruẹ gha sọyẹnmwẹ e Baibol na tie:

  • Ya aro ekhọe ruẹ gha zomwa rẹn ighẹ emwi ne u tie. Adeghẹ u na gha tie okha eso vbuwe Baibol, u ghi nọ egbuẹ wẹẹ, u kpa gha rre evba vbe ọ sunu, de emwi ne u gha te bẹghe, de emwi ne u gha te họn ra nọ gha te winhin so ruẹ? Vbọ gha ye iran hẹ ighẹ emwa ni rre nene okha?

  • Loo obẹlẹ ughughan. Ghee azẹvbiro eso: Tie ẹre ladian, ra gha rhie aro lele Baibol ruẹ zẹvbe ne u ya danmwehọ e Baibol na tie re vbe errẹkọdi. Ne u gha te wa ya gha tie avbe uhunmwu ebe ni rre Baibol ọkade ọkade, u sẹtin gha tie ọkpa ọkpa vbe dọmwadẹ okha ni rre Baibol. Vbe igiemwi, u sẹtin loo Appendix A7 ra B12 vbe New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ya ruẹ vbekpae Jesu. U sẹtin tie uhunmwu ebe ne ako ọghe Baibol na tie re vbe ebe ẹdẹ na ladian. U sẹtin vbe tie dọmwadẹ ebe ni rre uwu e Baibol zẹvbe na ya gbẹnnẹ ọnrẹn ọkade ọkade.

  • Tie ẹre vbe odẹ ne u gha ya rẹn otọre. Ọmwa nọ tie uhunmwu ebe ọkpa vbe ẹdẹ, ọ na rẹn otọre kevbe ọ na ru erria yan rẹn, ẹre ọ maan sẹ ọmwa nọ wa tie uhunmwu ebe nibun sokpan ọ ma miẹn emwi rhọkpa ruẹ vbọ. Muẹn roro eke ne okha nii na sunu. Hia ne u rẹn otọ emwi hia nọ sunu vbe okha nii. Gha loo avbe emapu kevbe ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn na hae ye ugan vbe adesẹneva ọghe dọmwadẹ ipapa nọ rre Baibol. U gha dekun ako eso ne u ma rẹn otọre, hia ne u ru ezanzan yọ; a gha wẹẹ ako ọkpa ẹre u sẹtin ru ezanzan yi. Adeghẹ u gha sẹtin, gi ẹghẹ ne u ya ru erria yan emwi ne u tie, vbe sẹ vbe ẹghẹ ne u loo ya tie ẹre.