March 5-11
“Whoever Wants to Become Great Among You Must Be Your Minister”: (10 min.)
Mt 20:3—The proud scribes and Pharisees loved to be noticed and greeted “in the marketplace” (“The Marketplace” media on Mt 20:3, nwtsty)
Mt 20:20, 21—Two apostles requested positions of honor and authority (“mother of the sons of Zebedee,” “one at your right hand and one at your left” study notes on Mt 20:20, 21, nwtsty)
Mt 20:25-28—Jesus explained that his followers must be humble ministers (“minister,” “not to be ministered to, but to minister” study notes on Mt 20:26, 28, nwtsty)
Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Mt 21:9—When the crowds shouted: “Save, we pray, the Son of David!” what did they mean? (“Save, we pray,” “Son of David” study notes on Mt 21:9, nwtsty)
Mt 21:18, 19—Why did Jesus cause a fig tree to wither? (jy 244 ¶4-6)
What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?
What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?
Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Mt 20:1-19
Initial Call Video: (4 min.) Play and discuss the video.
First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Use the sample conversation.
Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 36-37 ¶3-4
Song 99
Local Needs: (5 min.)
Organizational Accomplishments: (10 min.) Play the Organizational Accomplishments video for March.
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 11
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 53 and Prayer
March 5-11
“Nọ Rhirhi Gha Hoo Ne Irẹn Gha Re Nọ Kpọlọ Vbe Uwu Uwa, Wẹẹ Ne Ọ Gha Re Ọguọmwadia [Ọghe] Ni Dekẹe”: (Ifuanro 10)
Mat 20:3—Avbe ọmamwaemwi kevbe Ivbi e Farisi ni tọn egbe mu wa gha hoo ne emwa gha yi iran ẹro kevbe na gha tuẹ iran vbe adesẹ “ẹki” (avbe efoto ra e vidio ni rre nwtsty)
Mat 20:20, 21—Ukọ eva keghi tama Jesu nọ mu ukpo nọ yo ne iran (ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty)
Mat 20:25-28—Jesu keghi rhan otọre ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe wẹẹ te ọ khẹke ne iran gha re eguọmwadia ni mwẹ imuegberriotọ (ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty nọ dekaan Mat 20:26, 28)
Gualọ Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn: (Ifuanro 8)
Mat 21:9—Ne emwa ni gbẹbu na datu wẹẹ: ‘Lahọ, miẹn Ovbi e Devid fan!’ de emwi ne iran yae kha? (ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty)
Mat 21:18, 19—Vbọsiẹ ne Jesu na ya erhan ohọ khian nọ kakae? (jy 244 okhuẹn 4-6)
De emwi ne Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, maa ruẹ re vbekpae Jehova?
De emwi ewe ọvbehe ne u miẹn vbe Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na?
E Baibol Na Tie: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Mat 20:1-19
E Vidio Ọghe Otuẹ Nokaro: (Ifuanro 4) Vbe a gha ghi kpee nene vidio nẹ, a ghi ziro yan rẹn.
Atuẹ Werriegbe Nokaro: (Ifuanro 3 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Loo igiemwi ọghe vbene a ya kporhu hẹ.
E Baibol Na Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ: (Ifuanro 6 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) lv 36-37 okhuẹn 3-4
Ihuan 99
Evba Gualọ Vbe Iko: (Ifuanro 5)
Emwi Ne Otu Ọghe Jehova Fiangbua: (Ifuanro 10) Kpee ne vidio Emwi Ne Otu Ọghe Jehova Fiangbua ọghe March.
Iruẹmwi E Baibol Ọghe Iko: (Ifuanro 30) jy uhunmwu ebe 11
Ogbewerriẹ Ọghe Uzọla Na Kevbe Evba Yaro Yi Vbe Uzọla Nọ Dee (Ifuanro 3)
Ihuan 53 Kevbe Erhunmwu