Carefully Avoid Stumbling Yourself and Others

Carefully Avoid Stumbling Yourself and Others

Jesus used illustrations to teach the seriousness of being stumbled or of causing others to stumble.

18:6, 7

  • A “stumbling block” refers to an action or circumstance that leads a person to follow an improper course, to stumble or fall morally, or to fall into sin

  • A person who causes someone to stumble would be better off if he fell into the sea with a millstone hung around his neck


18:8, 9

  • Jesus counseled his followers to remove even something as precious as a hand or an eye if it causes them to stumble

  • It would be better to give up such a cherished thing and enter into God’s Kingdom than to hold on to it and end up in Gehenna, a symbol of permanent destruction

What in my life could become a stumbling block, and how can I keep from stumbling myself or others?


Hia Ne U Ghẹ Khian Okuta Irhuawẹ Ne Egbuẹ Kevbe Emwa Ọvbehe

Hia Ne U Ghẹ Khian Okuta Irhuawẹ Ne Egbuẹ Kevbe Emwa Ọvbehe

Jesu keghi ze erre ughughan ne ọ ya gi emwa rẹn vbene ọ wegbe sẹ hẹ deghẹ a na rhua owẹ ra deghẹ a na rhua emwa ọvbehe owẹ.

18:6, 7

  • ‘Okuta irhuawẹ’ keghi re uyinmwẹ ra emwi ke emwi nọ gha ya ọmwa ru emwi nọ ma gba, nọ gha ya ọmwa ru alamoghẹ ra nọ gha ya ọmwa ru orukhọ nọ rhirhi gha khin

  • Ọmwa na de olọ ye ọre urhu, na fi fie uwu ẹzẹ ẹre ọ maan sẹ ọmwa nọ khian okuta irhuawẹ ne emwa ọvbehe


18:8, 9

  • Vbene obọ ra aro ru ekpataki sẹ vbe egbe, Jesu na ye wẹẹ na rhiẹre hin egbe rre deghẹ ọ na ghaa re okuta irhuawẹ ne ọmwa

  • Ọmwa nọ sẹ emwi nọ hiunsi vberriọ rae, ne ọ mieke na la Arriọba Osanobua, ẹre ọ maan sẹ ọmwa nọ rhikhan muẹn sokpan ọ na ya vba egbe ẹre vbe Gehenna, nọ re oguọghua ọghe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ

De emwi nọ gha sẹtin khian okuta irhuawẹ vbe arrọọ ọghomwẹ, kevbe de vbene I khian ya hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne I ghẹ khian okuta irhuawẹ ne egbe mwẹ ra emwa ọvbehe?