February 26–March 4
“Carefully Avoid Stumbling Yourself and Others”: (10 min.)
Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Mt 18:21, 22—How many times should we be willing to forgive our brother? (“77 times” study note on Mt 18:22, nwtsty)
Mt 19:7—What was the purpose of “a certificate of dismissal”? (“certificate of dismissal” study note and “Certificate of Divorce” media on Mt 19:7, nwtsty)
What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?
What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?
Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Mt 18:18-35
Second Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Use the sample conversation.
Third Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Choose your own scripture, and offer a study publication.
Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bhs 26 ¶18-20—Show how to reach the heart.
Song 90
Never Be a Cause for Stumbling (2Co 6:3): (9 min.) Play the video.
Memorial Campaign to Begin March 3: (6 min.) Talk based on the February 2016 Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, “Invite Everyone in Your Territory to the Memorial!” Distribute a copy of the Memorial invitation to all in the audience, and review its contents. Emphasize that the special public talk “Who Really Is Jesus Christ?” will be given the week of March 19, 2018. It will increase anticipation for the Memorial. Outline local plans to cover the territory.
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 10, box “Joyful Trips”
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 133 and Prayer
February 26–March 4
MATIU 18-19
February 26–March 4
“Hia Ne U Ghẹ Khian Okuta Irhuawẹ Ne Egbuẹ Kevbe Emwa Ọvbehe”: (Ifuanro 10)
Mat 18:6, 7—Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha re okuta irhuawẹ ne emwa ọvbehe (“olọ ne ekẹtẹkẹtẹ mu lẹga,” “okuta irhuawẹ” ayahọmwaehọ kevbe “Olọ,” “Olọ Nọ Ke Odukhunmwu Kevbe Nọ Ke Ototọ” avbe efoto ra e vidio ni rre nwtsty Mat 18:6, 7)
Mat 18:8, 9—Te ima gha hia ne ima ghẹ khian okuta irhuawẹ ne egbe ima (“E Gehenna” ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty nọ dekaan Mat 18:9 kevbe glossary)
Mat 18:10—E Jehova keghi bẹghe ẹre vbe ima gha khian okuta irhuawẹ ne emwa ọvbehe (“mudia ye ọdaro Erha mwẹ” ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty nọ dekaan Mat 18:10; w10 11/1 16)
Gualọ Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn: (Ifuanro 8)
Mat 18:21, 22—Inugba ẹre ọ khẹke ne ima yabọ ọtẹn ima? (“igba ihinrọn vbe ihe ekigbe sẹ iyenẹ” ayahọmwaehọ nọ rre nwtsty nọ dekaan Mat 18:22)
Mat 19:7—Vbọsiẹ ne a na wẹẹ ne okpia “gbẹn ebe rhie ye amwẹ ọnrẹn obọ” vbe ọ gha khu ẹre fua? (“ebe [ne okpia ya khu] amwẹ ọnrẹn” ayahọmwaehọ kevbe “Ebe Aheyotọ” avbe efoto ra e vidio ni rre nwtsty nọ dekaan Mat 19:7)
De emwi ne Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, maa ruẹ re vbekpae Jehova?
De emwi ewe ọvbehe ne u miẹn vbe Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na?
E Baibol Na Tie: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Mat 18:18-35
Atuẹ Werriegbe Nogieva: (Ifuanro 3 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Loo igiemwi ọghe vbene a ya kporhu hẹ.
Atuẹ Werriegbe Nogieha: (Ifuanro 3 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Tobọ ruẹ zẹ ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn kevbe ebe na ya gu ọmwa ruẹ emwi, ne u khian loo.
E Baibol Na Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ: (Ifuanro 6 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) bhs 26 okhuẹn 18-20—Hia ne u sẹ ekhọe ọ yan owa.
Ihuan 90
Ghẹ Khian Okuta Irhuawẹ Ne Ọmwa Rhọkpa (2 Kọr 6:3): (Ifuanro 9) Kpee nene vidio.
Ebe Itie Ọghe Ayere Na Khian Suẹn Gha Ghae Vbe March 3: (Ifuanro 6) Ọta ọghe ọwara nọ hẹnhẹn egbe yan ipapa 8 ọghe Ebe Iwinna Na Loo Vbe Ne Iko Uyinmwẹ Kevbe Iwinna Ọghe Ima ọghe February 2016, “Tie Emwa Hia Ni Rre Ẹdogbo Ne U Na Kporhu Gha Die Ugie Ayere!” Ghae ọkpọkpa vbe ebe itie ọghe Ayere ne etẹn ni gbẹbu, na ziro yan emwi ni rrọọ. U ghi gi etẹn rẹn wẹẹ uzọla ọghe March 19, 2018 ẹre a khian na yae guan ighẹ ọta ne kpataki nọ mwẹ uhunmwuta nọ khare wẹẹ “De Ọmwa Ne Jesu Kristi Gele Khin?” Ọta ne kpataki na, gha ya emwa gha kpẹho khẹ Ugie Ayere. Gi etẹn rẹn emwamwa nọ rrọọ, ọghe vbene a khian ya ghae ebe na ne emwa hia vbe ako ne a na kporhu.
Iruẹmwi E Baibol Ọghe Iko: (Ifuanro 30) jy uhunmwu ebe 10, ẹkpẹti nọ rre ipapa 28
Ogbewerriẹ Ọghe Uzọla Na Kevbe Evba Yaro Yi Vbe Uzọla Nọ Dee (Ifuanro 3)
Song 133 and Prayer