Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few
Just before the Passover of 32 C.E., Jesus performed a miracle, the only one that was recorded by all four Gospel writers.
By means of this miracle, Jesus set a pattern that he continues to follow in our day.
Jesus instructed his disciples to feed the crowds, even though they had only five loaves and two fish
Jesus took the loaves and fish and, after praying, began to distribute them to the disciples who, in turn, distributed them to the crowds
Miraculously, there was more than enough for everyone to eat. Jesus fed thousands through the hands of just a few—his disciples
Jesus foretold that during the last days, he would appoint a channel to provide spiritual “food at the proper time.”—Mt 24:45
In 1919, Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave,” a small group of anointed brothers, over “his domestics,” those who are fed
By means of this small group of anointed brothers, Jesus is following the pattern he set in the first century
How can I show that I recognize and respect the channel that Jesus is using to feed people spiritually?
A Loo Ibozẹghẹ Emwa Ya Koko Ọkhọngborrie Emwa
Emwi ọyunnuan ne Jesu ru, ọ te sẹ Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo 32 C.E., keghi lughaẹn ne emwi ọyunnuan nikẹre rhunmwuda, te ebe enẹ ni ta okha ọghe Jesu wa ya unu kaẹn rẹn.
Obẹlẹ ne Jesu loo ro vbe ọ ru emwi ọyunnuan na, ẹre ọ wa ye loo do sẹ ẹdẹnẹrẹ.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ebrẹdi isẹn kẹkan kevbe ehẹn eva ẹre erhuanegbe Jesu ghaa mwẹ, Jesu na ye tama iran ne iran yae koko ọkhọngborrie emwa
Vbe Jesu ghi na erhunmwu ye nene ebrẹdi kevbe ehẹn nẹ, ọ na viọ re ne erhuanegbe ẹre; erhuanegbe ẹre na ghi ghae re ne ọkhọngborrie emwa nii
Vbe odẹ ọghe ọyunnuan, emwa hia keghi re, ẹko na vuọn iran. Jesu keghi loo ibozẹghẹ emwa—ọni ọre erhuanegbe ẹre, ya koko ọkhọngborrie emwa
Jesu tae yotọ wẹẹ vbe ẹdẹ okiekie, irẹn gha zẹ emwa ni khian gha rhie evbare orhiọn ne igiowa ọghe irẹn “vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ kere.”—Mat 24:45
Vbe ukpo 1919, Jesu keghi zẹ ‘ọviẹn nọ gia mu ẹtin yan kevbe nọ fuẹro’ ne iran gha rhie evbare orhiọn ne ‘igiowa ọghẹe’
Jesu keghi loo ibozẹghẹ emwa na hannọ zẹ na, ya koko ọkhọngborrie emwa zẹvbe ne ọ ru ẹre vbe orre nokaro
De vbene I khian ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, I yẹrẹro kevbe wẹẹ I rhie ọghọ ne emwa ne Jesu loo ya rhie evbare orhiọn ne emwa rẹn?