Jesus Loved People

Jesus Loved People

Matthew chapters 8 and 9 cover a portion of Jesus’ ministry in the region of Galilee. When Jesus healed people, he showed his power, but more important, he showed his great love and compassion for others.

  1. Jesus healed a leper.​—Mt 8:1-3

  2. Jesus healed an army officer’s servant.​—Mt 8:5-13

    He healed Peter’s mother-in-law.​—Mt 8:14, 15

    He expelled demons and cured people who were suffering.​—Mt 8:16, 17

  3. Jesus expelled unusually fierce demons, sending them into a herd of swine.​—Mt 8:28-32

  4. Jesus healed a paralytic.​—Mt 9:1-8

    He cured a woman who had touched his garment, and he resurrected Jairus’ daughter.​—Mt 9:18-26

    He healed the blind and the speechless.​—Mt 9:27-34

  5. Jesus toured the cities and villages, curing every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.​—Mt 9:35, 36

How can I show more love and compassion to those around me?


Te Jesu Wa Hoẹmwẹ Emwa

Te Jesu Wa Hoẹmwẹ Emwa

Ebe Matiu uhunmwu ẹnrẹn 8 kevbe 9 ya ima rẹn iwinna eso ne Jesu winnaẹn vbe Galili. Te Jesu rhiẹre ma vbene irẹn mwẹ ẹtin hẹ vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ ya gha mu emwa egbe rran. Sẹ ehia, iwinna ọyunnua ọghẹe vbe rhiẹre ma vbene ọ mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa kevbe ẹnina hẹ.

  1. Jesu keghi mu ọkhọnmwọ oti ọkpa egbe rran.—Mat 8:1-3

  2. Jesu keghi mu ọguọmwadia ọghe ọkaokuo ọkpa egbe rran.—Mat 8:5-13

    Ọ mu iye ọvbokhan e Pita egbe rran.—Mat 8:14, 15

    Ọ khulo avbe orhiọn dan hin emwa egbe rre, ọ na vbe mu emwa ni khuọnmwi egbe rran.—Mat 8:16, 17

  3. Jesu keghi khulo orhiọn dan ni wegbe hin emwa egbe rre; ọ na wẹẹ ne avbe orhiọn dan nii la uwu oghẹn esiebo.—Mat 8:28-32

  4. Jesu mu uke ọkpa egbe rran.—Mat 9:1-8

    Okhuo ọkpa ghi ya obọ kaan ẹwu Jesu, egbe keghi rran rẹn; Jesu vbe huẹn ovbi e Jairọs nokhuo kpaegbe.—Mat 9:18-26

    Ọ keghi mu avbe arhuaro kevbe odin egbe rran.—Mat 9:27-34

  5. Jesu kegha mu emwa ni khuọnmwi emianmwẹ ughughan egbe rran, zẹvbe ne ọ ya gha mu okhian la ẹvbo ughughan kevbe igue nibun.—Mat 9:35, 36

De vbene I khian ya hia sayọ hẹ, ne I gha rhie ahoẹmwọmwa kevbe ẹnina ma emwa ni lẹga mwẹ?