Stop Worrying

Stop Worrying

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “Stop being anxious about your lives.” (Mt 6:25) While it is only natural for imperfect humans living in Satan’s world to be anxious on occasion, Jesus was teaching his followers to avoid extreme anxiety. (Ps 13:2) Why? Because undue anxiety, even about daily needs, can distract us, making it more difficult for us to seek first the Kingdom. (Mt 6:33) Jesus’ further comments will help us to stop needless worrying.

What do I want to stop worrying about?


Ghẹ Gha Si Osi

Ghẹ Gha Si Osi

Vbe Jesu ghi kporhu vbe uhunmwu oke, ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Uwa ghẹ hagha ba ẹmwẹ emwi ne uwa gha re ra ne uwa gha da.” (Mat 6:25) Ai miẹn orhunmwu ọkpa vbe agbọn ọghe Setan ne ẹi si osi, rhunmwuda emwa ni ma gba ẹre ima hia khin. Sokpan emwi ne Jesu ghaa maa erhuanegbe ẹre re ọre wẹẹ, ọ ma khẹke na gha si osi gberra egbe. (Psm 13:⁠2) Vbọsiẹ ne Jesu na kha vberriọ? Rhunmwuda deghẹ ima na gha si osi gberra egbe, ba ẹmwẹ evba gha re kevbe evba gha da, ọ sẹtin ya ima mianmian wẹẹ, Arriọba Osanobua ẹre ọ khẹke ne ima mu ye okaro. (Mat 6:33) Emwi ọvbehe ne Jesu tae vbekpa ẹmwẹ na, gha ru iyobọ ne ima, ne ima ghẹ gha si osi gberra egbe.

  • Mat 6:26—De emwi ne ima gha miẹn ruẹ, vbe ima gha gbarokotọ ghee avbe ahianmwẹ? (w16.07 9-10 okhuẹn 11-13)

  • Mat 6:27—Vbọzẹe ne ẹi na mwẹ esa ne ima gha si osi gberra egbe? (w05 11/1 22 okhuẹn 5)

  • Mat 6:28-30—De emwi ne avbe obobo ni rre oha gha sẹtin maa ima re? (w16.07 10-11 okhuẹn 15-16)

  • Mat 6:31, 32—De vbene Ivbiotu e Kristi ya lughaẹn ne emwa ni rre uwu agbọn hẹ? (w16.07 11 okhuẹn 17)

De emwi eso ne I ma ghi ho ne I gha si osi baa?