LIVING AS CHRISTIANS First Make Your Peace With Your Brother—How?Imagine that you are living in Galilee during Jesus’ time. You have traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Booths. The city is bustling with fellow worshippers who are visiting from far and wide. You want to present an offering to Jehovah. So with a goat in tow, you begin to make your way through the crowded alleys of the city toward the temple. When you arrive, the temple is packed with others who also wish to present a sacrifice. Finally, it is your turn to hand your goat over to the priests. At that moment, you remember that your brother, who could be anywhere in the crowd or in the city, has something against you. Jesus explains what you should do. (Read Matthew 5:24.) How can you and your offended brother pursue peace as Jesus directs? In each of the lists below, put a check mark next to the correct answer. YOU SHOULD . . .
Although our worship today no longer includes animal sacrifices, what was Jesus teaching about the connection between peace with our brother and acceptable worship to God? |
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Uwẹ Vbe Ọtuẹn Ka Ya Dọlọ Nẹ—De Vbene A Khian Ya Ru Ọna Hẹ?Gia ba kha wẹẹ, u rre Galili vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Jesu. U keghi mu okhian gha rrie Jerusalẹm ne u ya do Ugie Ọghe Irhu. Eguọmwadia e Jehova nibun vbe ke isi rre. U mu ẹwe ne u khian ya ru izọese lele egbe. U ghi sẹ e Jerusalẹm, u keghi piẹnpiẹn egbe la uwu ẹbu ọkhọngborrie emwa, ni ma ye orere ẹvbo nii zẹvbe ne u ya rrie ọgua osa. U ghi sẹ ọgua osa, u keghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, emwa ni khian vbe do ru izọese wa bun ẹi re nekherhe. Ẹghẹ nọ ghi ya sẹ ruẹ egbe, u keghi yerre wẹẹ, uwẹ vbe ọtuẹn mwẹ egbe ẹzọ. Ọ gha kẹ, nene ọtuẹn sẹtin gha rre uwu ẹbu nii ra ehe ọvbehe vbe ẹvbo nii. Jesu keghi rhan otọre emwi nọ khẹke ne u ru. (Tie Matiu 5:24.) De vbene uwẹ vbe ọtuẹn khian ya sẹtin ru adọlọ hẹ zẹvbe ne Jesu khare? Vbuwe avbe azẹvbiro ni rre ototọ mwa, sẹ ama ye enọ gbae vbọ. Ọ KHẸKE NE U . . .
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, ma i ghi ru izoẹse ọghe aranmwẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, de emwi ne Jesu khare vbekpae vbene asikẹgbe ne ima gu etẹn ima mwẹ, ya dekaan ugamwẹ ne ima rhie ne Osanobua hẹ? |