New Feature of the Midweek Meeting

New Feature of the Midweek Meeting

Beginning in January 2018, the midweek meeting will include study notes and media from the online study edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (nwtsty), even if the study edition is not yet available in your language. No doubt this information will enrich your meeting preparation. More important, may it draw you ever closer to our loving Father, Jehovah!


Emwamwa Ọgbọn Nọ Rre Iko Ọghomwa Na Do Vbuwe Uzọla

Emwamwa Ọgbọn Nọ Rre Iko Ọghomwa Na Do Vbuwe Uzọla

Ke January 2018 kpa, emwamwa ọgbọn nọ khian ghi gha rre iko ọghomwa na do vbuwe uzọla ọre wẹẹ, ima gha suẹn gha loo avbe ayahọmwaehọ eso, avbe efoto ra e vidio ni rhan otọre sayọ, ako ọghe New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ne u tie vbe intanẹt, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ẹi he rre urhuẹvbo ọghuẹ. Vbe ne ai na gbe awawẹ, emwamwa ọgbọn na gha wa ru iyobọ nuẹ, ne u ya sẹtin gha muegbe iko yotọ ẹse. Ma mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, ọ gha ya ruẹ sikẹ Erha mwa ne Jehova sayọ!