New Feature of the Midweek Meeting
New Feature of the Midweek Meeting
Beginning in January 2018, the midweek meeting will include study notes and media from the online study edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (nwtsty ), even if the study edition is not yet available in your language. No doubt this information will enrich your meeting preparation. More important, may it draw you ever closer to our loving Father, Jehovah!
The study notes provide cultural, geographic, and linguistic insight into many Bible verses.
Matthew 12:20
Smoldering wick: A common household lamp was a small earthenware vessel filled with olive oil. A flax wick drew the oil up to feed the flame. The Greek expression “smoldering wick” may refer to a wick that gives off smoke because an ember is still present but the flame is fading or is extinguished. The prophecy of Isaiah 42:3 foretold Jesus’ compassion; he would never extinguish the last spark of hope in humble and downtrodden people.
Matthew 26:13
Truly: Greek, a·menʹ, a transliteration of the Hebrew ʼa·menʹ, meaning “so be it,” or “surely.” Jesus frequently uses this expression to preface a statement, a promise, or a prophecy, thereby emphasizing its absolute truthfulness and reliability. Jesus’ use of “truly,” or amen, in this way is said to be unique in sacred literature. When repeated in succession (a·menʹ a·menʹ ), as is the case throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus’ expression is translated “most truly.”—Joh 1:51 .
Photos, artwork, and silent videos and animations illustrate various details recorded in the Bible.
Bethphage, the Mount of Olives, and Jerusalem
This short video follows a path approaching Jerusalem from the east, from the village of modern-day et-Tur—thought to correspond to the Biblical Bethphage—to one of the higher points on the Mount of Olives. Bethany lies east of Bethphage on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives. When in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples customarily spent the night at Bethany, today marked by the town of el-ʽAzariyeh (El ʽEizariya), an Arabic name meaning “The Place of Lazarus.” Jesus undoubtedly stayed at the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. (Mt 21:17; Mr 11:11; Lu 21:37; Joh 11:1 ) When traveling from their home to Jerusalem, Jesus may have followed a route similar to the one shown in the video. On Nisan 9, 33 C.E., when Jesus rode the colt of a donkey over the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, he may well have done so from Bethphage, following the road to Jerusalem.
Road from Bethany to Bethphage
Mount of Olives
Kidron Valley
Temple Mount
Nail in a Heel Bone
This is a photograph of a replica of a human heel bone pierced by an iron nail that was 11.5 cm (4.5 in.) long. The original artifact was found in 1968, during excavations in northern Jerusalem, and dates to Roman times. It provides archaeological evidence that nails were likely used in executions to fasten the person to a wooden stake. This nail may be similar to the nails employed by the Roman soldiers to fasten Jesus Christ to the stake. The artifact was found in a stone box, called an ossuary, into which the dried bones of a deceased person were placed after the flesh had decomposed. This indicates that someone executed on a stake could be given a burial.—Mt 27:35 .
Emwamwa Ọgbọn Nọ Rre Iko Ọghomwa Na Do Vbuwe Uzọla
Ke January 2018 kpa, emwamwa ọgbọn nọ khian ghi gha rre iko ọghomwa na do vbuwe uzọla ọre wẹẹ, ima gha suẹn gha loo avbe ayahọmwaehọ eso, avbe efoto ra e vidio ni rhan otọre sayọ, ako ọghe New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ne u tie vbe intanẹt, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ẹi he rre urhuẹvbo ọghuẹ. Vbe ne ai na gbe awawẹ, emwamwa ọgbọn na gha wa ru iyobọ nuẹ, ne u ya sẹtin gha muegbe iko yotọ ẹse. Ma mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, ọ gha ya ruẹ sikẹ Erha mwa ne Jehova sayọ!
Avbe ayahọmwaehọ na keghi rhan otọre, ilele ọghe ẹvbo na sunu yi vbe ako ne ima tie, vbene ẹvbo nii ye hẹ kevbe urhuẹvbo na zẹ vbọ.
Matiu 12:20
Ukpa nọ baa muẹnmuẹn: Ọna keghi re urhukpa na ya obuẹ ru, nọ loo ofigbọn oliv. Urhukpa na keghi mwẹ oru nọ ya si ofigbọn. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹ ne ọ na baa. Emwi ne ‘ukpa nọ baa muẹnmuẹn’ rhiema vbe urhuẹvbo ọghe Grik keghi re urhukpa nọ gbe ighogho rhunmwuda wẹẹ te ọ khian dọyọ. Ẹmwẹ akhasẹ nọ rre ebe Aizaia 42:3 keghi gima rẹn vbene Jesu khian ya rhie ẹnina ma hẹ; ẹi khian gbe orhiọn ye iran iwu ighẹ emwa ne obọ ma sẹ ọre kevbe emwa ne iro han rẹn.
Matiu 26:13
Vbene ẹmwata: Ẹmwẹ e Grik na ke zedu ẹre ladian ighẹ ne ẹmwẹ ‘vbene ẹmwata,’ ọre a·menʹ ra ʼa·menʹ vbe urhuẹvbo ọghe Hibru. Emwi na ya ẹmwẹ na kha ọre “gi ẹre gha ye vberriọ.” Jesu mobọ gha loo ẹmwẹ na, ne ọ ya suigiẹ ye ẹmwẹ nọ khian ta, eyan nọ khian ru, ra vbe ọ gha khian ta ẹmwẹ akhasẹ. Vbe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn, Jesu ọkpa ẹre ọ loo ne ẹmwẹ ‘vbene ẹmwata’ vbe odẹ vbenia. A gha ta ne ẹmwẹ, a·menʹ yangbe yangbe (a·menʹ a·menʹ ), zẹvbe ne Jesu ya loo ẹre vbe ebe Jọn, ọ ghi gha re ‘gele gele.’—Jọn 1:51 .
Efoto ughughan, e vidio na ma guan yi kevbe avbe isama ọghe katun na vinọ, gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn otọ avbe okha ni rre Baibol sayọ.
E Bẹtfag, Oke Ọghe Oliv, Kevbe Jerusalẹm
E vidio ne kuẹi na, keghi gie odẹ na la, vbe a gha ke Bẹtfag nọ rre odẹ ahọ, rrie uhunmwu oke ọghe Oliv vbe Jerusalẹm. E Bẹtfag ẹre a ghi rẹn ye et-Tur vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. E Bẹtani keghi rre odẹ ahọ ọghe Bẹtfag vbe obodẹ ahọ ọghe Oke Oliv. Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne Jesu vbe erhuaengbe ẹre ya sẹ e Jerusalẹm, e Bẹtani ẹre iran mobọ gha vbiẹ. E Bẹtani ẹre a ghi rẹn ye el-ʽAzariyeh (El ʽEizariya). Emwi ne el-ʽAzariyeh rhiema vbe urhuẹvbo ọghe Arab ọre “Ẹvbo Ọghe Lazarọs.” Vbe ne ai na gbe awawẹ, owa ọghe Mata, e Meri kevbe Lazarọs ẹre Jesu ghaa dia. (Mat 21:17; Mak 11:11; Luk 21:37; Jọn 11:1 ) Ọ gha kẹ, odẹ na giere vbe vidio na ẹre Jesu ghaa la, ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne ọ ya ke owa Lazarọs rrie Jerusalẹm. Egbọre Bẹtfag ẹre Jesu la lae Jerusalẹm vbe ẹghẹ nọ ya ye ovbi ekẹtẹkẹtẹ hin Oke Oliv vbe Nisan 9, 33 C.E.
Odẹ nọ ke Bẹtani rrie Bẹtfag
E Bẹtfag
Oke Oliv
Iya ọghe Kidrọn
Oke na bọ Ọgua Osa yi
Ise Nọ Ba Ye Ugboloko Ighighianwẹ
Ọna keghi re efoto ọghe ise nọ kẹ ekherhe nọ taan sẹ ukhiọnmwẹ ibata ọkpa (4.5 in.) nọ ba ye ugboloko ighighianwẹ ọghe ọmwa. Vbe ẹghẹ ne emwa ni gualọ emwi arre khian, ya gha tọnnọ otọ vbe odẹ okuọ ọghe Jerusalẹm vbe ukpo 1968, iran keghi miẹn ise nọ ba ye ugboloko ighighianwẹ. Ọna keghi sosẹ yọ wẹẹ, ise ẹre iran ghaa loo ya kaan iran mu erhan ighẹ emwa na buohiẹn uwu gbe vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Ivbi e Rom. Ọ gha kẹ, egbe ise na ẹre ivbi iyokuo e Rọm ya kaan Jesu Kristi mu erhan. Ẹkpẹti ọkpa na viọ ọre yi ugboloko orinmwi ni kẹkẹ nẹ, ẹre a na miẹn ise nọ ba ye ugboloko ighighianwẹ na. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, iran vbe gha dọlọ uwu iran yi ighẹ emwa na buohiẹn uwu gbe na kaan mu erhan.—Mat 27:35 .