Sample PresentationsTHE WATCHTOWERQuestion: Who is the greatest gift-giver in the universe? Scripture: Jas 1:17 Offer: This issue of The Watchtower helps us to appreciate one gift from God that is the best of all. TEACH THE TRUTHYOUR FAMILY CAN BE HAPPYIntroduction: We’re showing this short video about the family. [Play the introduction video for Your Family Can Be Happy.] Offer: If you would like to read the brochure mentioned in the video, I can give you a copy or I can show you how to download it from the website. BUILD YOUR OWN PRESENTATIONUse the format in the preceding examples to create your own field service presentation. |
Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian HẹTHE WATCHTOWERInọta: De ọmwa nọ ghi ru ẹse sẹ vbe agbọn vbe ẹrinmwi? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Jems 1:17 Evba Khian Rhie Ladian: E Watchtower na, gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹse nọ ghi maan sẹ ne Osanobua ru ne ima. GI EMWA RẸN NE ẸMWATAInọta: Vbọ re eni Osanobua? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Psm 83:18 Ẹmwata: Eni Osanobua ọre Jehova. ẸGBẸE RUẸ GHA SẸTIN GHA MWẸ OGHỌGHỌOmuso: Ma keghi kpee ẹre ma emwa vbe ẹdogbo na ighẹ e vidio ne kuẹi nọ guan kaan ẹgbẹe. [Kpee vidio ọghe omuso ọghe ne ebe ẹmu Ẹgbẹe Ruẹ Gha Sẹtin Gha Mwẹ Oghọghọ.] Evba Khian Rhie Ladian: Adeghẹ u hoo ne u tie ebe ẹmu na guan kaan vbe vidio ne ban, I gha rhie ọkpa nuẹ ra I sẹtin gie ẹre ma ruẹ vbene u khian ya danlod ẹre hẹ vbe wẹbsait ọghe ima. MUEGBE ẸRE YOTỌ IGHẸ ẸMWẸ OBỌ RUẸ NE U KHIAN TA YA RHIẸRE LADIANLoo avbe igiemwi na, ya mwamwa ẹmwẹ obọ ruẹ nu khian ta ya rhiẹre ladian. |