How to Become a Diligent Student of the Scriptures
How to Become a Diligent Student of the Scriptures
Would you like to be faithful under trial as Daniel was? Daniel diligently studied God’s Word, including deep prophecy. (Da 9:2) Diligent Bible study can help you to remain faithful. How so? It can increase your faith that Jehovah’s promises will come true. (Jos 23:14) It can also help you to increase your love for God, which will motivate you to do what is right. (Ps 97:10) But where should you begin? Consider the following suggestions.
What should I study? A good study routine includes preparing for congregation meetings. The weekly Bible reading will be more rewarding if you take time to research points that you do not understand. In addition, some have chosen to learn more about Bible prophecy, the various aspects of the fruitage of God’s spirit, the missionary journeys of the apostle Paul, or even Jehovah’s physical creation. If you think of a Bible question during the day, write it down and make it the subject of your next study project.
How much time should I devote to study? Regular study is a key to spiritual health. You can start with shorter study periods, if needed, and gradually increase the length. Studying God’s Word is like digging for hidden treasures; the more treasure you find, the more you will want to dig! (Pr 2:3-6) Your longing for God’s Word will increase, and regular Bible study will continue to be your routine.—1Pe 2:2.
Vbene Ima Khian Ya Gha Re Ọmwa Nọ Fuẹro Vbe Baibol Na Ruẹ Ne Egbe Ọmwa
Vbene Ima Khian Ya Gha Re Ọmwa Nọ Fuẹro Vbe Baibol Na Ruẹ Ne Egbe Ọmwa
Uwẹ gha hoo ne u da imudiase ọghuẹ yi vbuwe ọlọghọmwa vbene Daniẹl ru ẹre ra? E Daniẹl keghi ya ifuẹro ruẹ vbekpae Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Osanobua, uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ni dinmwi. (Dan 9:2) U gha sẹtin da imudiase ọghuẹ yi deghẹ u na ya ifuẹro gha ruẹ e Baibol ne egbuẹ. Odẹ vbo? Ọ gha ya ruẹ gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ eyan ọghe Jehova hia gha mwẹ amusẹ. (Jọs 23:14) Ọ gha vbe ya ruẹ hoẹmwẹ Osanobua sayọ; ọna gha gua ruẹ kpa ne u ya gha ru emwi esi. (Psm 97:10) Sokpan de vbene u khian ya suẹn hẹ? Gia guan kaan azẹvbiro eso.
De emwi ne I khian ruẹ vbekpa re? Iko na muegbe ẹre keghi re abọ ọkpa vbe Baibol na ruẹ ne egbe ọmwa. U gha wa miẹn ere nọkhua vbọ deghẹ u na gha ru ezanzan ye uhunmwu ẹmwẹ eso ni rre Baibol na tie vbe iko. Vbe deba ọni, emwa eso keghi ruẹ sayọ vbekpae ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ni rre uwu e Baibol, ikpẹ ọghe orhiọn nọhuanrẹn, iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ukọ e Pọl, ra evbayi ọghe Jehova na zaromiẹn. Adeghẹ ẹmwẹ eso rrọọ ne u ma rẹn otọre vbe Baibol, gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ ne u mieke na ruẹ vbekpa re.
De ehe ne I khian na miẹn ayahọmwaehọ eso? U gha hoo ne u miẹn azẹvbiro eso, ghee ne vidio Emadogua Na Ya Ru Ezanzan Ye Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn. Ne u ya rẹn vbene u rẹn e Baibol sẹ hẹ, ru ezanzan ye avbe ẹtin ọgbagbọn ne avbe aranmwẹ oha na sunu yi vbe ebe Daniẹl uhunmwu ẹnrẹn 7 mu ukhọmwẹ ọnrẹn.
Inu ẹghẹ ẹre ọ khẹke ne I loo ya ruẹ ne egbe mwẹ? E Baibol na ruẹ ne egbe ọmwa vbe ẹghẹ hia ẹre ọ ya ọmwa wegbe vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. U gha da suẹn, u sẹtin gha loo ẹghẹ kherhe, sokpan vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, u ghi do gha loo ẹghẹ nọ taẹn. Te Baibol na ruẹ ne egbe ọmwa yevbe ọmwa nọ gualọ emwi ewe ni lẹre; vbene u ya miẹn emwi ewe nibun, erriọ u ya hoo ne u gualọ nibun sayọ! (Itan 2:3-6) Ẹghẹ hia ẹre u khian ghi ya gha hoo ne u ruẹ Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Osanobua sayọ.—1 Pit 2:2.
Dan 7:4
Dan 7:5
Dan 7:6
Dan 7:7
De vbene Daniẹl 7:8, 24 ya mwẹ amusẹ hẹ?
De emwi ne avbe aranmwẹ oha na sunu yi vbe ebe Arhie Maan uhunmwu ẹnrẹn 13 mu ukhọmwẹ ọnrẹn?