Sample PresentationsAWAKE!Question: Why is it important to prepare for disasters? Scripture: Pr 27:12 Offer: This magazine highlights what we should do before, during, and after a disaster. TEACH THE TRUTHQuestion: How do we show love for God? Scripture: 1Jo 5:3 Truth: We show love for God by obeying his commandments. CAN THE DEAD REALLY LIVE AGAIN? (T-35)Question: Many sincere people around the world hold annual festivals to honor the dead. Can we hope to see our dead loved ones again? Scripture: Ac 24:15 Offer: This tract discusses what the resurrection hope can mean for you. [If possible, play the video Is There Hope for the Dead?] BUILD YOUR OWN PRESENTATIONUse the format in the preceding examples to create your own field service presentation. |
Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian HẹAWAKE!Inọta: Vbọzẹ ne ọ na khẹke na gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe orhiọn wẹẹ oguomiẹrẹ sẹtin sunu vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Itan 27:12 Evba Khian Rhie Ladian: Ebe iyẹn na, guan kaan evbọ khẹke ne ima ru a te miẹn wẹẹ oguomiẹrẹ sunu ra vbe oguomiẹrẹ gha sunu. GI EMWA RẸN NE ẸMWATAInọta: De vbene ima khian ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ Osanobua? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: 1 Jọn 5:3 Ẹmwata: Ma gha sẹtin rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ Osanobua lekpae na gha lele uhi ọghẹe. EMWA NI WULO NẸ, GHA GELE WERRIEGBE DO GHAA RRỌỌ RA? (T-35)Inọta: Vbe ukpo ukpo, emwa nibun vbe uhunmwu otagbọn na keghi sisara ne emwa iran ni wu, ne iran ya yee iran rre. Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ emwa ima ni wulo gha werriegbe do gha rrọọ ra? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Iwinna 24:15 Evba Khian Rhie Ladian: Asobọrrie na guan kaan vbene ayayẹro ọghe arriọkpaegbe khian ya ru iyobọ nuẹ hẹ. [Adeghẹ esa rrọọ, kpee ne vidio Ayayẹro Rrọọ Ne Emwa Ni Wu Ra?] MUEGBE ẸRE YOTỌ IGHẸ ẸMWẸ OBỌ RUẸ NE U KHIAN TA YA RHIẸRE LADIANLoo avbe igiemwi na, ya mwamwa ẹmwẹ obọ ruẹ nu khian ta ya rhiẹre ladian. |