Train Them to Serve Jehovah Continually

Train Them to Serve Jehovah Continually

Experience shows that new publishers who are trained from the beginning to have a regular and zealous share in the ministry often become effective publishers. (Pr 22:6; Php 3:16) Here are some suggestions on how you can help a student to develop a good foundation for the ministry:

  • As soon as your student is approved to be a publisher, begin training him. (km 8/15 1) Impress on him the importance of making the ministry a part of his weekly routine. (Php 1:10) Be positive in your comments about the territory. (Php 4:8) Encourage him to work along with the group overseer and other publishers in order to benefit from their experience.​—Pr 1:5; km 10/12 6 ¶3

  • After your student gets baptized, do not stop encouraging him and training him in the ministry, especially if he has not completed the “God’s Love” book.​—km 12/13 7

  • Use a simple presentation when working in the ministry with a new publisher. After hearing his presentation, give generous commendation. Offer suggestions that will help him to be more effective.​—km 5/10 7


Ru Iyobọ Ne Iran, Ne Iran Ghẹ Dobọ Re Yi Ighẹ Ugamwẹ Ne Iran Rhie Ne Jehova

Ru Iyobọ Ne Iran, Ne Iran Ghẹ Dobọ Re Yi Ighẹ Ugamwẹ Ne Iran Rhie Ne Jehova

Zẹvbe ne aro ima he vbe dae, etẹn na ke otọ maa re vbene a ya zọghae hẹ vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan keghi musọe vbe iwinna ikporhu ọghe iran. (Itan 22:6; Fil 3:16) Azẹvbiro eso nọ dekaan vbene u gha ya ru iyobọ ne ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol, nọ gha zọghae vbe iwinna ikporhu keghi rre ototọ mwa:

  • Adeghẹ a na kpasẹ yọ wẹẹ ne ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol gha ya iyẹn wewe, u ghi suẹn gha maa re vbene a ya kporhu hẹ vbobọvbobọ. (km 8/⁠15 1) Ru iyobọ nẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn wẹẹ na gha yo ikporhu vbe uzọla uzọla keghi re abọ ọkpa vbe ugamwẹ ne ima rhie ne Jehova. (Fil 1:10) Gi ẹmwẹ ne u ta vbekpa ako ne uwa na kporhu gha re nọ gua ọmwa kpa. (Fil 4:⁠8) Rhie igiọdu nẹ, nọ gha deba ọtẹn nọ siẹnro ẹbu nọ lele yo ikporhu winna, ọ sẹtin vbe deba etẹn ọvbehe ni ya iyẹn wewe winna vbe ikporhu, nọ mieke na miẹn emwi ruẹ vbe obọ iran.—Itan 1:5; km 10/12 6 okhuẹn 3

  • Ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ne ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol dinmwiamẹ nẹ, ye gha ru iyobọ nẹ, katekate deghẹ ọ ma na he ruẹ ọre fo ighẹ ne ebe “God’s Love.”km 12/13 7

  • U gha gu ọmwa nọ da suẹn gha ya iyẹn wewe winna vbe ikporhu, ghẹ ta ẹmwẹ nọ bun gbe vbe u gha kporhu, ne ọ mieke na sẹtin yegbe taa ruẹ. Adeghẹ irẹn na vbe kporhu, u ghi tian rẹn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. Rhie azẹvbiro eso nẹ, nọ gha ru iyobọ nẹ ya ru sayọ vbe ẹdẹ ọvbehe.—km 5/10 7