Jehovah’s Word Comes True in Every Detail

Jehovah’s Word Comes True in Every Detail

Jehovah precisely foretold future events

Archer of the royal Persian guard

“Polish the arrows”

51:11, 28

  • The Medes and Persians were expert archers and used the bow as their principal weapon. They polished their arrows to make them penetrate deeper

“The warriors of Babylon have quit fighting”


  • The Nabonidus Chronicle says: “The army of Cyrus entered Babylon without battle.” This likely means without a general conflict and agrees with the prophecy of Jeremiah

The Nabonidus Chronicle

“Babylon will become piles of stones [and] desolate forever”

51:37, 62

  • Beginning in 539 B.C.E., Babylon’s glory began to fade. Alexander the Great intended to make Babylon his capital, but he died suddenly. At the start of the Christian era, a community of Jews still existed there, giving the apostle Peter reason to visit Babylon. But by the fourth century C.E., the city was in ruins, and it eventually passed out of existence

How should the fulfillment of Bible prophecy affect me?


What can I teach others about this prophecy?



Te Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Jehova Wa Mwẹ Amusẹ Vbene A Wa Ya Tae Zẹẹ

Te Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Jehova Wa Mwẹ Amusẹ Vbene A Wa Ya Tae Zẹẹ

E Jehova keghi tae yotọ zẹẹ, emwi nọ khian sunu vbe odaro

Ukọ nọ rre ẹguae Pẹsia nọ gua fi ifẹnmwẹ

“Wa ze ifẹnmwẹ uwa ukpẹ”

51:11, 28

  • Ivbi e Medis kevbe Ivbi e Pẹsia wa guẹ vbene a ya fi ifẹnmwẹ hẹ kevbe ẹre iran ghaa loo ya khọn okuo. Iran keghi kaa ukpẹ ifẹnmwẹ ọghe iran nọ mieke na sẹtin ba ye ọmwa uwu egbe vbe iran gha fi ẹre

“Avbe ivbiyokuo e Babilọn dobọọ igbinna yi nẹ”


  • Evba gbẹn ye okuta ọkpa na tiẹre Nabonidus Chronicle khare wẹẹ: “Ivbi iyokuo ọghe Sairọs keghi lae Babilọn vbene iran ma na gbinna.” Ọni nọ wẹẹ iran ma ka khọn hiehie a te khọnmiotọ yan e Babilọn, nọ rhiema wẹẹ ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ne Jerimaia tae yotọ gele wa mwẹ amusẹ

Okuta ọghe Nabonidus Chronicle

“Ẹvbo ni gha khian utete itowa [kevbe] ọ gha vbe gha yevbe ato ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ”

51:37, 62

  • Vbọ ghi rre ukpo 539 B.C.E., a ma ghi gha họn usi e Babilọn rre. Alexander Ne Ogidigan na te gha hoo ne ọ ya e Babilọn khian igiogbẹ ọghe arriọba ọghẹe sokpan, uwu udemwurri na wa gbe ẹre. Vbe orre nokaro, Ivbi e Ju eso ye gha rre Babilọn, ọni ẹre ọ siẹre ne ukọ e Pita na mu otuẹ gha khian. Sokpan vbe orre nogienẹ, e Babilọn na ghi khian otọ nọ gbẹvbi, a ma ghi miẹn ada e Babilọn do sẹ ẹdẹnẹrẹ

Vbọ khẹke nọ gha ye hẹ vbe ekhọe mwẹ, ne avbe ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ni rre uwu e Baibol na mwẹ amusẹ?


De emwi ne I gha sẹtin tama emwa ọvbehe vbekpa ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na?