Listen to God—How to Use It

Listen to God—How to Use It

The brochure Listen to God was designed to teach basic Bible truths visually to those who find it challenging to learn from text. Each two-page lesson features carefully prepared illustrations with arrows to guide the discussion from one illustration to the next.

The brochure Listen to God and Live Forever has the same illustrations as does Listen to God, but the former has more text and can be used by students who have some reading ability. Publishers often prefer to use it as a teacher’s copy when their student is using Listen to God. Many of the pages contain a box with additional information that could be discussed, depending on the ability of the student.

You may offer either brochure at any time, even if it is not the offer for the month. When conducting a Bible study, use the illustrations to explain the Bible record. Ask questions to involve the student and to make sure he understands. Read and discuss the scriptures at the bottom of each page. After completing the brochure, study What Does the Bible Really Teach? or What Can the Bible Teach Us? to help your student progress to baptism.


Vbene A Khian Ya Loo Ẹre Hẹ Ighẹ Ne Ebe Ẹmu Danmwehọ Osanobua

Vbene A Khian Ya Loo Ẹre Hẹ Ighẹ Ne Ebe Ẹmu Danmwehọ Osanobua

Evba gu mwamwa ne ebe ẹmu Danmwehọ Osanobua ọre na ya gha maa iran emwi vbe odẹ ọghe uzaromiẹn ighe emwa nẹi gua tie ebe. Ipapa eveva ẹre dọmwadẹ iruẹmwi mu. Avbe ipapa na keghi mwẹ efoto ughughan nọ gua iruẹmwi ni ro kevbe ama nọ rhilo avbe efoto nii ginna egbe.

Efoto ni rre ne ebe ẹmu Danmwehọ Osanobua ẹre ọ vbe rre Danmwehọ Osanobua kevbe Nu Gha Rrọọ Ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ, sokpan emwi ne iran ya lughaẹn ọre wẹẹ ne ebe ẹmu Danmwehọ Osanobua kevbe Nu Gha Rrọọ Ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ keghi mwẹ evba gbẹnnẹ ne ọmwa na gu ruẹ emwi gha tie deghẹ ọ na gua gha tie ebe. Etẹn ni ya iyẹn wewe keghi mobọ loo ebe ẹmu na vbe iran gha gu ọmwa ruẹ Danmwehọ Osanobua. Ipapa nibun vbọ keghi mwẹ ẹkpẹtin nọ mwẹ ayahọmwaehọ ọvbehe na gha sẹtin ziro yan deghẹ ọmwa na maa re emwi gha sẹtin rẹn otọre.

A sẹtin rhie nọ rhirhi gha khin vbe ebe ẹmu eveva na ne ọmwa vbe ikporhu, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ẹi ọni ẹre a ya winna vbe uki nii. Vbe u gha yae gu ọmwa ruẹ emwi, u ghi loo avbe efoto ni rrọọ ya rhan otọe ne okha ọghe Baibol. Gha nọ ọta, ne ọmwa nu gu ruẹ emwi mieke na gha mwẹ obọ vbọ kevbe nu mieke na rẹn deghẹ ọ rẹn otọ emwi nọ ruẹ. Tie evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn nọ rre ototọ dọmwadẹ ipapa nu vbe rhan otọre. Vbe uwa gha ghi ruẹ ebe ẹmu na fo nẹ, uwa ghi suẹn gha ruẹ ne ebe What Does the Bible Really Teach? ra What Can the Bible Teach Us? ne ọmwa nu gu ruẹ emwi mieke na gbegba nọ gha dinmwiamẹ.