LIVING AS CHRISTIANS Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Reaching the Heart With “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love”WHY IMPORTANT: People must learn Jehovah’s standards and conform to them in order to worship him acceptably. (Isa 2:3, 4) The “God’s Love” book, our second study publication, helps Bible students to discern how godly principles relate to daily life. (Heb 5:14) We must try to reach the heart when we teach them so that they may have the proper motivation to make changes. HOW TO DO IT:
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Vbene A Ya Guẹ Sayọ Vbe Iwinna Ikporhu—Vbene A Khian Ya Loo E Ne Ebe “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” Ya Sẹ Emwa Ekhọe HẹEVBỌZẸ NE Ọ NA RU EKPATAKI: Ne Jehova mieke na miẹn ugamwẹ ọghe ima yi, te ima gha rẹn avbe ilele ọghẹe kevbe ima ghi vbe gha yae ru emwi. (Aiz 2: VBENE A YA RUẸ HẸ: