“Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah”

“Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah”

2:2, 3

“In the final part of the days”

The time in which we now live

“The mountain of the house of Jehovah”

Jehovah’s elevated pure worship

“To it all the nations will stream”

Those embracing pure worship gather in unity

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah”

True worshippers invite others to join them

“He will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths”

By means of his Word, Jehovah instructs us and helps us to walk in his paths


“Nor will they learn war anymore”

Isaiah described a conversion of weapons of war into farming implements, indicating that Jehovah’s people would pursue peace. What were these tools in Isaiah’s day?

“Swords into plowshares”

1 A plowshare was the part of a plow that cut the surface of the soil. Some were made of metal.1Sa 13:20

“Spears into pruning shears”

2 A pruning shear was perhaps a sickle-shaped metal blade fastened to a handle. This tool was used to prune vines.Isa 18:5


‘Uwa Gima Gha Rrie Uhunmwu Oke Ọghe Jehova’

‘Uwa Gima Gha Rrie Uhunmwu Oke Ọghe Jehova’

2:2, 3

‘Vbe ẹdẹ okiekie’

Ọni ọre ẹghẹ ne ima ye na

‘Uhunmwu oke ọghe owa e Jehova’

Ọni ọre ugamwẹ e Jehova nọ hianrẹn

‘Agbẹnvbo hia ghi gha bi la rọ’

Emwa ni miẹn ugamwẹ nọ hianrẹn yi ghi gha mwẹ akugbe

‘Uwa larre, uwa gima gha rrie uhunmwu oke ọghe Jehova’

Emwa ni ga Osanobua vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata keghi tie emwa ọvbehe ba egbe

‘Ọ gha ma ima odẹ ọghẹe, ma ghi vbe lele ukpowẹ ọghẹe’

E Jehova keghi loo ẹmwẹ ọghẹe ya ma ima emwi, ne ima mieke na rẹn odẹ ọghẹe ya lele


‘Amaiwẹ te iran khian ghi dọlegbe ruẹ vbene a ya khọn okuo hẹ’

Aizaia keghi giẹre vbene emwa khian ya ye emadogua ọghe okuo khian emadogua na ya gbe ugbo hẹ, nọ rhiema wẹẹ te emwa ọghe Jehova khian gha gualọ ọfunmwegbe. De emadogua na ghaa loo vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Aizaia?

‘A gha ya umozo khian ẹguẹ’

Ẹguẹ keghi re emadogua na ya gua uvun. Eso keghi re ọghe ematọn.1 Sam 13:20

‘A gha ya asoro khian abẹkpẹn’

Abẹkpẹn keghi re ematọn nọ si ukpẹ kuẹn nọ mwẹ uze. Emadogua na ẹre emwa ya gha gia ebe ọghe erhan ohọ.Aiz 18:5