What Can the Bible Teach Us?—How to Use It

What Can the Bible Teach Us?—How to Use It

The Teach Us book and the Bible Teach book are similar. Both of these tools from our teaching toolbox present the same truths and in the same order. However, the Teach Us book uses simplified wording and logic. It is designed for those who may have difficulty understanding the Bible Teach book. Instead of an appendix, the Teach Us book has endnotes that provide simple explanations of some terms and concepts found in the main text. The chapters do not have introductory questions or a review box. Instead, they conclude with a summary of Bible truths that were explained in the main text. Just as with the Bible Teach book, the Teach Us book may be offered at any time, even if it is not being featured during the month. How may we use the unique features of the Teach Us book when conducting a Bible study?

SUMMARY: For most people, our usual method of conducting a study by reading the paragraph in the Bible Teach book and then asking the question will serve quite well. Suppose, however, that the student is not very familiar with the language or does not read well. In that case, you may choose to use the Teach Us book. Then, the chapter summaries may be used as the basis for the study and the student may be encouraged to read the main text on his own. Each Bible truth can often be taught in a study session that lasts about 15 minutes. Since the summaries do not include details found in the main text, the teacher must prepare well, keeping in mind the needs of the student. If the teacher conducts the study from the main text, the summaries can be used as a review.

ENDNOTES: The terms and concepts in the endnotes are in the order that they appear in the main text. The teacher may decide whether to discuss the endnotes in the Teach Us book during the study.


Vbene A Khian Ya Loo Ẹre Hẹ Ighẹ Ne Ebe What Can The Bible Teach Us?

Vbene A Khian Ya Loo Ẹre Hẹ Ighẹ Ne Ebe What Can The Bible Teach Us?

Ne ebe Teach Us kevbe Bible Teach khọ egbe. Emwi ọkpa ẹre ọ rre uwu ebe eveva na nọ re emadogua ne ima ya ma emwa ẹmwata. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, odẹ na ya mwamwa ne ebe Teach Us kevbe ẹmwẹ na loo ro vbọ ẹre ọ khuẹrhẹ sẹ. Rhunmwuda emwa ne Bible Teach lọghọ iran na rẹn otọre ẹre a gu gbẹn ebe na. Nọ gha te ya gha mwẹ orriete, ne ebe Teach Us keghi mwẹ ifiẹmwẹ ni rre ufomwẹ ebe nọ rhaan otọ ẹmwẹ eso na guan kaan vbe ne uhunmwuta. Avbe uhunmwu ebe ni rrọọ i mwẹ inọta ọghe omuso ra ẹkpẹtin inọta ọghe ogbewerriẹ. Sokpan ufomwẹ ọghe dọmwadẹ uhunmwuta ni rrọọ keghi mwẹ ogbewerriẹ ọghe ẹmwata eso na rhaan otọre vbe nene uhunmwuta. Vbene Bible Teach vbe ye, a sẹtin rhie ebe na ne ọmwa vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ẹi te re ebe na khian ya winna vbe uki nii. De vbene a khian ya loo ẹre hẹ ighẹ abọ ughughan ni rre ne ebe Teach Us vbe a gha yae gu ọmwa ruẹ e Baibol?

SUMMARY (OGBEWERRIẸ): Obẹlẹ ne ima mobọ ya loo e ne ebe Bible Teach ya ma emwa emwi, ọghe wẹẹ a ghi tie ne okhuẹn kevbe a ghi vbe nọ ọta yọ, wa maan ne emwa nibun. Sokpan, deghẹ ẹmwẹ eso na loo ro vbe uhunmwuta nii na wegbe gbe ne ọmwa na gu ruẹ e Baibol ra deghẹ ẹi gua tie ebe ẹse, a sẹtin loo e ne ebe Teach Us. Ẹghẹ nii a sẹtin loo ogbewerriẹ ọghe ne uhunmwuta ya guẹ ruẹ emwi, kevbe a sẹtin tama rẹn nọ tie uhunmwuta nii ne egbe ẹre. Ọ mobọ sẹ ifuanro 15 na loo ya gu ọmwa ruẹ ọkpa vbe ẹmwata nọ rre dọmwadẹ uhunmwuta. Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ ẹi re emwi hia na rhaan otọre vbe uhunmwuta ẹre ọ wa rre ogbewerriẹ, ọ khẹke ne ọtẹn muegbe yotọ ẹse nọ mieke na rẹn emwi nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ọmwa nọ gu ruẹ e Baibol. Adeghẹ uhunmwuta nọ rrọọ ẹre ọtẹn khian gu ọmwa ruẹ, ọ ghi loo ogbewerriẹ nọ rrọọ ya gbẹrọrriẹ ighe emwi ne iran ruẹre.

ENDNOTES (IFIẸMWẸ NI RRE UFOMWẸ EBE): A keghi mwamwa ifiẹmwẹ ni rre ufomwẹ ebe zẹvbe nọ ya lele egbe vbe nene uhunmwuta. Ọtẹn sẹtin zọe vbe iro nọ gu ọmwa nọ gu ruẹ e Baibol ziro yan ifiẹmwẹ ni rre ufomwẹ ne ebe Teach Us vbe iran gha ruẹ emwi.