LIVING AS CHRISTIANS “Her Husband Is Well-Known in the City Gates”A capable wife reflects well on her husband. In King Lemuel’s day, a husband who had a capable wife was “well-known in the city gates.” (Pr 31:23) Today, respected men serve as elders and ministerial servants. If married, their ability to serve depends much on the good conduct and fine support of their wives. (1Ti 3:4, 11) Such capable wives are greatly appreciated, not just by their husbands but also by the congregation. A capable wife helps her husband to serve by . . .
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI ‘Ọdafẹn Ọnrẹn Keghi Re Ọmwa Ne Emwa Nibun Wa Rẹn’Uhukpa ẹre a ya rẹn okpia nọ rhie okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe. Vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Ọba e Lemuẹl, ọdafẹn okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe ‘keghi re ọmwa ne emwa nibun wa rẹn.’ (Itan 31:23) Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, ikpia ni rẹn enegbe keghi ga zẹvbe ediọn kevbe eguọmwadia iwinna. Adeghẹ iran na gha mwẹ okhuo, uyinmwẹ esi kevbe iyobọ ọghe amwẹ ọghe iran ẹre ọ khian zẹ wẹẹ iran ye sẹtin ga vbuwe iko. (1 Tim 3: Okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe keghi ru iyobọ ne ọdafẹn ọnrẹn ya gha ga vbuwe iko lekpae . . .