“Her Husband Is Well-Known in the City Gates”

“Her Husband Is Well-Known in the City Gates”

A capable wife reflects well on her husband. In King Lemuel’s day, a husband who had a capable wife was “well-known in the city gates.” (Pr 31:23) Today, respected men serve as elders and ministerial servants. If married, their ability to serve depends much on the good conduct and fine support of their wives. (1Ti 3:4, 11) Such capable wives are greatly appreciated, not just by their husbands but also by the congregation.

A capable wife helps her husband to serve by . . .


‘Ọdafẹn Ọnrẹn Keghi Re Ọmwa Ne Emwa Nibun Wa Rẹn’

‘Ọdafẹn Ọnrẹn Keghi Re Ọmwa Ne Emwa Nibun Wa Rẹn’

Uhukpa ẹre a ya rẹn okpia nọ rhie okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe. Vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Ọba e Lemuẹl, ọdafẹn okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe ‘keghi re ọmwa ne emwa nibun wa rẹn.’ (Itan 31:23) Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, ikpia ni rẹn enegbe keghi ga zẹvbe ediọn kevbe eguọmwadia iwinna. Adeghẹ iran na gha mwẹ okhuo, uyinmwẹ esi kevbe iyobọ ọghe amwẹ ọghe iran ẹre ọ khian zẹ wẹẹ iran ye sẹtin ga vbuwe iko. (1 Tim 3:4, 11) Aro nọ ghaan ẹre ọdafẹn iran kevbe emwa ni rre uwu iko ya ghee egbe ikhuo ni rẹn enegbe vberriọ.

Okhuo nọ rẹn enegbe keghi ru iyobọ ne ọdafẹn ọnrẹn ya gha ga vbuwe iko lekpae . . .

  • nọ na ta ẹmwẹ igiọdu nọ fu ọmwa ekhọe rre ma rẹn.—Itan 31:26

  • nọ na kue ne ọdọ re gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne emwa ọvbehe vbuwe iko.—1 Tẹs 2:7, 8

  • nọ na yin vbe odẹ ọghe oreghe.—1 Tim 6:8

  • nẹi na hoo nọ rẹn vbe obọ ọdafẹn ọnrẹn, ẹmwẹ ne iran tae vbe iko ediọn.—1 Tim 2:11, 12; 1 Pit 4:15