Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact Cards?

Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact Cards?

In view of the approaching great tribulation, our preaching work is urgent. (Pr 24:11, 12, 20) To help people, we can use contact cards to direct their attention to God’s Word and to our website. The card contains a code that leads to the video Why Study the Bible? and an invitation to request more information or a Bible study. Some people are not inclined to accept literature but are willing to visit our website. Do not hesitate to give them a contact card. However, do not leave contact cards with those who show no interest.

As you go about your daily activities, you could generate someone’s interest simply by saying: “I have something I would like to give you. This card directs you to a website that has free information and videos on a variety of subjects.” (Joh 4:7) Because the contact cards are small, you can likely keep a few with you to share with others at every opportunity.




Uwẹ Loo Ẹre Ẹse Ighẹ E Kadi Nọ Dia Ọmwa Lae JW.ORG Ra?

Uwẹ Loo Ẹre Ẹse Ighẹ E Kadi Nọ Dia Ọmwa Lae JW.ORG Ra?

Te iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọma ọghe ima ghi wa de ọghe ẹgiẹgiẹ rhunmwuda orueghe nọkhua sikẹ otọ nẹ. (Itan 24:11, 12, 20) Ma gha sẹtin loo e kadi nọ dia ọmwa lae wẹbsaiti ọghe ima ya rhie ekhọe ọghe emwa ghee Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Osanobua. E kadi na, keghi mwẹ ekodi ne u gha loo ya miẹn ne vidio Vbọsiẹ na Gha na Ruẹ e Baibol? kevbe ako ne a na nọ vbe intanẹt na do gu ọmwa ruẹ e Baibol. Emwa eso rrọọ nẹi hoo ne iran rhie ebe ọghe ima sokpan iran hoo ne iran lae wẹbsaiti ọghe ima. Hia ne u rhiẹre ne iran ighẹ e kadi nọ dia ọmwa lae wẹbsaiti ọghe ima. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ghẹ rhie kadi na ne emwa nẹi zẹdẹ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ.

Ne emwa ne u rhirhi miẹn mieke na danmwehọ ruẹ, u sẹtin kha wẹẹ: “Ọ mwẹ emwi ọkpa ne I hoo ne I rhie nuẹ. E kadi na, gha dia ruẹ lae wẹbsaiti ọkpa ne u gha na miẹn ayahọmwaehọ eso ọghọhẹ kevbe avbe vidio ughughan.” (Jọn 4:7) Rhunmwuda ne kadi na, na ye tunniẹn, u sẹtin viọ eso mwẹ ne u gha sẹtin ghae ne emwa vbe ẹkpotọ nọ rhirhi kie.