Sample PresentationsAWAKE!Question: Some people doubt whether Jesus really existed, while others are convinced he did. Still others say there’s no way to know for sure. What’s your opinion? Offer: This issue of Awake! considers what the evidence shows. TEACH THE TRUTHQuestion: What happens when we die? Scripture: Joh 11:11-14 Truth: When a person dies, his life ends. So we do not need to fear an afterlife. Jesus compared death to sleep. Just as he did with Lazarus, Jesus will “wake up” our dead loved ones so that they can enjoy life on earth again. CONGREGATION MEETING INVITATION (inv)Offer: I’d like to invite you to a free Bible talk. It will be given at the local Kingdom Hall, our place of worship. [Offer the meeting invitation, point out the time and location of the weekend meeting, and mention the theme of the public talk.] Question: Have you been to a Kingdom Hall before? [If appropriate, show the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?] BUILD YOUR OWN PRESENTATIONUse the format in the preceding examples to create your own field service presentation. |
Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian HẹAWAKE!Inọta: Emwa eso keghi gbawawẹ deghẹ Jesu gele gha rrọọ, vbene eso na wa yayi wẹẹ, ọ ghaa rrọọ. Emwa eso vbe kha wẹẹ, ẹi khian gi ọmwa rhọkpa rẹn deghẹ ọ gele gha rrọọ. Vbe uwẹ a vbe ghee ẹre hẹ? Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian Hẹ: Awake! na keghi guan kaan evbọ sẹ osẹ yọ wẹẹ Jesu gele gha rrọọ. GI EMWA RẸN NE ẸMWATAInọta: Vbọ sunu daa ima vbe ima gha wu? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Jọn 11:11-14 Ẹmwata: Ọmwa nọ wu nẹ, i ghi mwẹ arrọọ. Rhunmwuda ọni, esa i rrọọ ne ima ya gha siosi ba emwi nọ gha sunu vbe ima gha wu nẹ. Jesu keghi ya uwu gie ovbe. Zẹvbe nọ ya huẹn Lazarọs kpaegbe vbe idin, Jesu gha vbe ‘huẹn’ emwa ima ni wulo kpaegbe ne iran mieke na werriegbe do sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ vbe uhunmwu otagbọn na.—Job 14:14. EBE ITIE ỌGHE IKO (inv)Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian Hẹ: Ọ gha yẹẹ mwẹ ne u do danmwehọ ọta ọghe Baibol ọghọhẹ na khian ya guan vbe Ọgua Arriọba ọghe ima. [Rhie ne ebe itie ọghe iko nẹ, u ghi yunu kaan ẹghẹ ne uwa ya do iko na do vbe ufomwẹ uzọla kevbe ehe nọ khin kevbe u ghi vbe ya unu kaan uhunmwuta ọghe ne ọta azagba.] Inọta: Uwẹ he ka yo Ọgua Arriọba ẹdẹ ra? [Adeghẹ esa rrọọ, kpee ne vidio De Emwi Na Ru Vbe Ọgua Arriọba?] MUEGBE ẸRE YOTỌ IGHẸ ẸMWẸ OBỌ RUẸ NE U KHIAN TA YA RHIẸRE LADIANLoo avbe igiemwi na, ya mwamwa ẹmwẹ obọ ruẹ nu khian ta ya rhiẹre ladian. |