Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Encouraging Interested Ones to Attend Meetings

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Encouraging Interested Ones to Attend Meetings

WHY IMPORTANT: Meetings provide regular occasions to “sing to Jehovah” and to “praise him.” (Ps 149:1) At the meetings, we are taught to do God’s will. (Ps 143:10) Interested ones and Bible students usually make greater progress once they begin attending meetings.


  • Extend an invitation as soon as possible. You need not wait until a Bible study has been established.Re 22:17

  • Explain to the interested person what he can expect and what will be discussed at the next meeting. The following can be of help in this regard: the congregation meeting invitation, the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?, and lessons 5 and 7 of the Jehovah’s Will brochure

  • Offer help. Does the interested one need a ride or assistance with choosing appropriate clothing? Sit next to him at the meeting, and share your publications. Introduce him to others


Vbene A Ya Guẹ Sayọ Vbe Iwinna Ikporhu—Rhie Igiọdu Ne Emwa Ni Mwẹ Ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ Ne Iran Gha Rrie Iko Ọghomwa

Vbene A Ya Guẹ Sayọ Vbe Iwinna Ikporhu—Rhie Igiọdu Ne Emwa Ni Mwẹ Ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ Ne Iran Gha Rrie Iko Ọghomwa

EVBỌZẸ NE Ọ NA RU EKPATAKI: Vbe iko ọghomwa, ẹkpotọ keghi kie ne ima, na ya gha ‘so ihuan gie Jehova’ kevbe na ya gha ‘rhie urhomwẹ nẹ’ vbe ẹghẹ hia. (Psm 149:1) Ma keghi ruọre vbe iko ọghomwa, vbene a ya ru ahoo ọghe Osanobua hẹ. (Psm 143:10) Emwa ni mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ kevbe emwa ne ima gu ruẹ e Baibol keghi mwẹ alaghadaro sayọ vbe iran gha suẹn gha rrie iko.


  • Rhie ebe itie ne emwa vbobọvbobọ. Esa i rrọọ ne u ya ziengbe khẹ ẹghẹ ne uwa khian ya suẹn gha ruẹ e Baibol.—Arhie 22:17

  • Tama ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ emwi nọ khian yaro yi vbe iko nọ dee. Usun emwi ne u gha sẹtin ya ru iyobọ nẹ ọre: ebe itie ọghe iko, ne vidio De Emwi Na Ru Vbe Ọgua Arriọba?, u gha sẹtin vbe loo iruẹmwi 5 kevbe 7 ọghe ne ebe ẹmu Jehovah’s Will

  • Ru iyobọ. Te ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ na, gualọ iyobọ ọghe na do ya imọto muẹn gha die iko ra, ra te ọ ma rẹn aro egbe nọ khẹke ne ọ mu gha die iko? Uwẹ vbe ọre tota ye eke ọkpa ne uwa koko loo ebe ruẹ. Rhiẹre tuẹ emwa ọvbehe vbe iko