LIVING AS CHRISTIANS Avoid These Pitfalls When Conducting a Bible Study
Talking Too Much: Do not feel that you must explain everything. Jesus used questions to help people think and arrive at the right conclusion. (Mt 17:24-27) Questions make the study lively and help you to determine what your student understands and believes. (be 253 ¶3-4) When asking a question, be patient and wait for the answer. If the student gives the wrong answer, instead of telling him the right answer, lead him to the correct conclusion by using additional questions. (be 238 ¶1-2) Talk at a pace that allows the student to grasp new ideas. Making It Complicated: Avoid the temptation to relate all that you know on the subject. (Joh 16:12) Focus on the main point of the paragraph. (be 226 ¶4-5) Details, even interesting ones, can obscure the main points. (be 235 ¶3) Once the main point is understood by the student, move on to the next paragraph. Just Covering Material: Our objective is to reach the heart, not cover material. (Lu 24:32) Utilize the power of God’s Word by focusing on the key scriptures in the lesson. (2Co 10:4; Heb 4:12; be 144 ¶1-3) Use simple illustrations. (be 245 ¶2-4) Consider the student’s personal challenges and beliefs, and tailor the lesson to him. Ask questions like these: “How do you feel about what you are learning here?” “What does this teach us about Jehovah?” “What benefit do you see in applying such counsel?” |
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Ghẹ De Ye Avbe Ifi Na Vbe U Gha Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ E Baibol
Na Gha Talọ Gbe: Ghẹ wa gha hoo ne u rhan otọ emwi hia fẹrẹ. Jesu keghi loo inọta ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ya rẹn eke ne ẹmwẹ rrie. (Mat 17:24-27) Ọta na nọ keghi ya iruẹmwi rhiẹnrhiẹn kevbe ọ ghi vbe ru iyobọ nuẹ ya rẹn emwi ne ọmwa nu gu ruẹ e Baibol yayi. (be 253 okhuẹn 3-4) Vbe u gha nọ ọta, u ziengbe nọ zẹ ewanniẹ. Adeghẹ ewanniẹ nọ zẹ ma gba, nọ ọta ọvbehe nọ gha yae zẹ ewanniẹ nọ gbae, ne u gha te wa ya tobọ ruẹ zẹ ewanniẹ nọ khẹke. (be 238 okhuẹn 1-2) Fẹko gha guan vbe odẹ ne ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol khian ya rẹn otọ emwi ne u ma re.—be 230 okhuẹn 4. Na Ya Emwi Hia Gbakinnọ: Ghẹ wa talọ emwi hia ne u rẹnrẹn vbekpa uhunmwuta ne uwa guan kaan. (Jọn 16:12) Rhie uhunmwu ẹmwẹ nọ rre ne okhuẹn ladian. (be 226 okhuẹn 4-5) Adeghẹ a na ta ẹmwẹ nọ bun gbe, ai ghi sẹtin miẹn uhunmwu ẹmwẹ nọ rrọọ, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ẹmwẹ nii te rhiẹnrhiẹn. (be 235 okhuẹn 3) Ọmwa ne u ma re emwi gha rẹn otọe uhunmwu ẹmwẹ nọ rrọọ nẹ, gberra ghee okhuẹn nọ lelẹe. Na Wa Tiẹre Kẹkan: Evbọ ya ima ma emwa emwi ọre ne ẹmwẹ ne ima ta sẹ iran ekhọe, ẹi re na wa gha tie ebe kẹkan. (Luk 24:32) Loo ẹtin nọ rre Ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua lekpae ne u gha rhie aro tua avbe ako evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn ni rre ako iruẹmwi nii, ni rhie uhunmwu ẹmwẹ nọ rrọọ ladian. (2 Kọr 10:4; Hib 4:12; be 144 okhuẹn 1-3) Loo igiemwi nẹi lọghọ na rẹn otọre. (be 245 okhuẹn 2-4) Muẹn roro ighẹ isievẹn ne ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol werriẹ aro daa kevbe emwi nọ yayi, u ghi rhan otọe vbene iruẹmwi nii ya dekaan rẹn hẹ. Nọ rẹn avbe inọta vbenia: “Vbe uwẹ a ghee ẹre hẹ ighẹ emwi ne u ruẹ na?” “De emwi ne ọna ma ima re vbekpae Jehova?” “De ere ne u khian miẹn vbe u gha lele ibude na?”—be 238 okhuẹn 3-5; 259 okhuẹn 1. |