TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD | PSALM 119 “Walk in the Law of Jehovah”To walk in the law of Jehovah means to submit ourselves willingly to divine guidance. We have many good examples in the Bible of those who, like the psalmist, followed Jehovah’s law and relied on him. True happiness depends on our walking in God’s lawJoshua demonstrated full confidence in Jehovah’s direction. He knew that to be happy and successful, he needed to trust in Jehovah with his whole heart God’s Word gives us the needed courage to cope with life’s trialsJeremiah showed courage and reliance on Jehovah amid difficult circumstances. He kept his life simple and persevered in his assignment Accurate knowledge of God’s Word gives us confidence to preachPaul was not afraid to share God’s message with anyone. He had full confidence in Jehovah’s help when he boldly preached to Governor Felix In what situations can I show more confidence when witnessing to others?
EMWI EWE NI RRE UWU ẸMWẸ ỌGHE OSANOBUA | PSALM 119 ‘Khian Lele Uhi ọghe Jehova’Evba yae kha, na gha khian lele uhi ọghe Jehova ọre na gha ya ekhọe hia lele adia ọghe Osanobua. Igiemwi ọghe emwa nibun ni lele uhi ọghe Jehova kevbe ni mu orhiọn yan rẹn keghi rre uwu e Baibol. Ọkpa vbuwe iran keghi re ọsihuan. Uhi ọghe Osanobua na lele keghi ya ọmwa mwẹ oghọghọ ọghe ẹmwata119:1-8 E Jọsua keghi rhiẹre maa wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ilẹkẹtin yan adia ọghe Jehova. Ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ ne irẹn mieke na gha mwẹ oghọghọ kevbe ne irẹn musọe, te irẹn gha ya ekhọe hia mu ẹtin yan e Jehova Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn keghi rhie igiọdu ne ima, vbe ẹghẹ ọlọghọmwa119:33-40 E Jerimaia keghi rhie udinmwẹ ma vbe ọ rre uwu ibavbaro, ọ na vbe rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn mu orhiọn yan e Jehova. Ọ na ya arrọọ ọghẹe khian ne khuẹrhẹ vbene ọ na ye rhiegba ye iwinna na mu nẹ Irẹnmwi nọ gbae ọghe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn keghi ya ima mwẹ udinmwẹ vbe ikporhu119:41-48 Ohan ma mu e Pọl nọ ya kporhu iyẹn nọma ma ọmwaikọmwa. Irẹn wa gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ e Jehova gha ru iyobọ ne irẹn vbe ẹghẹ nọ ya ye udinmwẹ kporhu ma e Fẹlis ne Gọvina De ẹghẹ ne I khian ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ I mwẹ udinmwẹ vbe I gha kporhu?