Sample PresentationsTHE WATCHTOWERQuestion: We all need comfort at times. But where can we find it? Scripture: 2Co 1:3, 4 Offer: This issue of The Watchtower considers how God provides such comfort. THE WATCHTOWER (back page)Question: Some think that God’s Kingdom is a condition in a person’s heart; others think that it’s the result of human efforts to bring world peace. What do you think? Scripture: Da 2:44 Offer: According to the Bible, God’s Kingdom is a real government. This article discusses further what the Bible says about God’s Kingdom. TEACH THE TRUTHQuestion: How can we know if God cares about us? Scripture: 1Pe 5:7 Truth: God invites us to pray to him because he cares. BUILD YOUR OWN PRESENTATIONUse the format in the preceding examples to create your own field service presentation. |
Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian HẹTHE WATCHTOWERInọta: Ugbẹnso, ma hia keghi gualọ ifuẹko. Sokpan de ehe ne ima khian na miẹn ifuẹko? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: 2 Kọr 1:3, 4 Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian Hẹ: E Watchtower na, guan kaan vbene Osanobua ya rhie egbe ifuẹko vberriọ ne ima hẹ. THE WATCHTOWER (iyeke ẹre)Inọta: Emwa eso keghi roro ẹre wẹẹ, Arriọba Osanobua keghi re emwi nọ rre ọmwa ẹkokoudu; emwa eso vbe roro ẹre wẹẹ ọfunmwegbe na khian miẹn vbe ototọ arriọba ọghe emwa nagbọn ẹre nọ. Vbe uwẹ a vbe ghee ẹre hẹ? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: Dan 2:44 Vbene A Khian Ya Rhiẹre Ladian Hẹ: Zẹvbe ne Baibol khare, Arriọba Osanobua keghi re Arriọba ne gele gele. Ebe na guan kaan rẹn sayọ ighẹ emwi ne Baibol tae vbekpae Arriọba Osanobua. GI EMWA RẸN NE ẸMWATAInọta: Vbe ima khian ya rẹn hẹ wẹẹ, Osanobua gbaroghe ima? Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn: 1 Pit 5:7 Ẹmwata: Osanobua wẹẹ, ne ima gha na erhunmwu gie irẹn rhunmwuda wẹẹ irẹn gbaroghe ima. MUEGBE ẸRE YOTỌ IGHẸ ẸMWẸ OBỌ RUẸ NE U KHIAN TA YA RHIẸRE LADIANLoo avbe igiemwi na, ya mwamwa ẹmwẹ obọ ruẹ nu khian ta ya rhiẹre ladian.