August 15-21
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.4 10-11—Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.4 10-11—Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 164-166 ¶3-4—Help the student to see how he can apply the material.
Song 91
Never Forget All That Jehovah Has Done for You (Ps 103:1-5): (15 min.) Discussion. Start by playing the video I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle. (Look under ABOUT US > ACTIVITIES.) Then consider the following questions: What reasons do we have to praise Jehovah? What future blessings do we anticipate as a result of Jehovah’s goodness?
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 22 ¶1-13
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 131 and Prayer
August 15-21
PSALMS 102-105
August 15-21
“E Jehova Keghi Yerre Wẹẹ Ekẹn Ẹre Ima Khin”: (Ifuanro 10)
Psm 103:8-12—E Jehova keghi yabọ ima vbe ima gha fiwerriẹ rhunmwuda itohan ọghẹe (w13 6/15 20 okhuẹn 14; w12 7/15 16 okhuẹn 17)
Psm 103:13, 14—E Jehova wa rẹn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse vbene ẹtin ọghe ima sẹ hẹ (w15 4/15 26 okhuẹn 8; w13 6/15 15 okhuẹn 16)
Psm 103:19, 22—Adeghẹ ima na gbọyẹmwẹ ye itohan kevbe ẹnina ọghe Jehova, ọ gha gua ima kpa, ne ima ya rhiegbe ye ototọ ọdakha nọ yo sẹ ọghẹe (w10 11/15 25 okhuẹn 5; w07 12/1 21 okhuẹn 1)
Gualọ Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn: (Ifuanro 8)
Psm 102:12, 27—De iyobọ nọ khian ru ne ima, deghẹ ima na rhie aro tua asikẹgbe ne ima gu e Jehova mwẹ vbe ima gha rre uwu ibavbaro? (w14 3/15 16 okhuẹn 19-21)
Psm 103:13—Vbọsiẹ ne a na miẹn wẹẹ ẹi re emwi hia ne ima nọ rẹn, ẹre Jehova wa ru ne ima vbobọvbobọ? (w15 4/15 25 okhuẹn 7)
De emwi ne Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ma imẹ re vbekpae Jehova?
De uhunmwu ẹmwẹ eso ni rre Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ne I gha sẹtin loo vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọma?
E Baibol Na Tie: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Psm 105:24-45
Otuẹ Nokaro: (Ifuanro 2 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) g16.4 10-11—Ọtẹn ghi gbe ẹyotọ ọghe atuẹ werriegbe.
Atuẹ Werriegbe: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) g16.4 10-11—Ọtẹn ghi gbe ẹyotọ khẹ otuẹ nọ khian werriegbe mu rre.
E Baibol Na Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ: (Ifuanro 6 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) bh 164-166 okhuẹn 3-4—Gie ọmwa ne u gu ruẹ e Baibol rẹn vbene ọ khian ya rhiẹre ye uyinmwẹ hẹ ighẹ iruẹmwi na.
Ihuan 91
Ghẹ Miamia Emwi Hia Ne Jehova He Ru Nuẹ (Psm 103:1-5): (Ifuanro 15) Ọta na koko ziro yan. U ghi ka kpee ne vidio nọ rre, Egbe Agbọn Ne I Ghaa Ye Na Wa Woọ Mwẹ. (Ghee ototọ ne ako ABOUT US > ACTIVITIES.) Iyeke ọni, a ghi ziro yan avbe inọta na: Vbọzẹ ne ima gha na rho e Jehova? De avbe afiangbe nọ khẹ ima vbe odaro rhunmwuda umamwẹ ọghe Jehova?
Iruẹmwi E Baibol Ọghe Iko: (Ifuanro 30) ia uhunmwu ebe 22 okhuẹn 1-13
Ogbewerriẹ Ọghe Uzọla Na Kevbe Evba Yaro Yi vbe Uzọla Nọ Dee (Ifuanro 3)
Ihuan 131 Kevbe Erhunmwu